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Everything posted by FFCSL600

  1. Hey everyone... my first post...yea... anyway, sunman I have a '97 ES300 and I really like what you did to yours... congrats... anyway, what all was involved in retrofittting your headlights and adding the Navigation system... would you mind adding some more details or let me know how you did it all by e-mail... thanks.
  2. Hey everyone...this is the first time I've posed, so sorry if this doesn't come out perfect....Here goes... I bought a 97 ES300 Last June for a little over 12500. I love this car! Only thing is, I broke that stupid key fob remote thing and now I have to carry it in my pocket rather than my Oakley caribiner which is so much more convenient. Well, my parents have a newer LS with the remote all integrated and such and I think that's really cool...I've looked all over the ES300 forum and I've been beating my head :chairshot: trying to figure out if I can buy a blank one off ebay...take it to the dealership to get it cut and then program it myself. Or if I buy a used one off ebay, will the dealership replace the blade with a new one so that it fits my car, which I could then reprogram? This is driving my crazy , no pun intended ;) Thanks for the help everyone...This site rules! Bottom line: I want a remote from a 2000 ES300 to be fully functioning on my 1997 ES300...Is that possible? If so, what do I need to do to make that happen?
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