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Posts posted by LS4hundy

  1. it sounds like to me that you need some seafoam. I'd do a search for "seafoam" and read up on the intake cleaning, oil, and gas. The reason why I say seafoam, is that it sounds like the initial start, when the engine is cold, and cold "dense" air is being introduced to the engine, it's fine. But after the engine is hot, especially the EGR system, it's rough. Which makes me think the intake is probably dirty, and the egr system is dirty. Seafoam through the brake booster line, as described in several other threads, should show you some possitive results. Also, how is your air filter? Might want to change it out too. The thing about buying these from "old" guys, is that you either have one that was taken care of at the dealership, or you have one that was owned by the mentality of "it starts, it runs, it's fine". But, to me, this sounds like a heat issue, and one thing that can really make a car run rough is bad air. I would not, I repeat, I would not, mess with the plugs until after you seafoam the engine. It very well might foul a plug or two. Infact, I would probably put your old plugs back in for the seafoaming, then replace them afterwards with your new ones. At that time, if you want, you can replace the wires. But, I would think if your wires were bad, you'd know it from the beginning, as cold hampers electrical current moreso than heat does.

    Or, being in Seattle, you might have a moisture problem on the distributor caps...

    Well i changed the plugs about a year ago, shouldt i just use these plugs? I dont have the old plugs anyhow. Also, i have a k&n air filter which i have been using for about 4 months. The old man i bought it from was a rich dude who bought the car for his wife who drobe less than 5k a year. He gave me all of the records from lexus so it was maintained well as far as the records show. I will look into seafoam, ive read about on this forum but not really being to familiar with engines(other than minor stuff) i never thought of using it. Moisture also isnt a problem, im in hippy ashland oregon fininshing my MAT program, i just havent updated my profile. I also spoke with a toyota guy at the dealership and he told me that wires arent that big of a deal and that many people go over a 100k before they get them replaced. So seafoam through the brake booster. Should I worry about the plugs after the sea foam deal? My car is coming up on 80k. I did a buch of work when I got the car to avoid truoble later such as timing belt, all fluids, filters, caps. Is there anything I should be looking into. All of the previous work i just mentioned was within a year ago.

    Cant say thanks enough for this forum!!

  2. Thanks threadcutter- I restarted it about thirty minutes later, and the temp gauge was fine. The main reason I was a little concerned was that I will be out of the country for about a month and my little sister (17) will be driving the car, and I just want to make sure that it doesn't overheat or something on her. I also replaced the battery about a month ago, and both incidents regarding the gauge have happened since then, so I am hoping that it is just a voltage adjustment or something that is causing the happenings.

    I just wanted to say that you are very brave man for letting a 17 year old gal drive your lexus for a month. When my fiance borrows my car, i have rules.

    Rule #1 Must be the car parked furthest away in any parking lot.

    Rule #2 No eating in the lex

    Rule #3 No playing with buttons.

    Its a very healthy relationship!!! :blushing:

  3. The car has 75k miles on it and its a 1995. I am only talking about when I start the car. The car runs smooth like Sam Perkins jump shot. Im sure everything is fine but I was just wondering if anybody else had the same issue. I hope this clarifys things a little. Just a rough sounding start, thats all. When I first start my car, its ounds fine, but after the car has been running for lets say an hour, when I start it again, it starts rough sounding. A question I did ask before was if and when I should change my spark plug WIRES. I already changed the plugs. Also, which wires should I choose? Whats a fair price? Ive looked at websites and they from $100 - $300.

    Hope this makes more sense. I did have the car checked when I purchased it and everything was great other than minor maintnance. Do the spark plug wires have anything to do with how the car starts? Whan did you all change your wires?

  4. So I never really questioned this when I bought the car off an old man a year ago because I was so stoked about the low mileage. When I start my car its a bit of a rough start sound wise. I used to valet in my younger days and I always remebered the signiture sound of a lexus starting. Honda has one as well etc. I have all the records from the previous owner and some starter work was done awhile back at the lexus dealer but not quite sure exactly what. Im sure everything is fine but it drives me nuts. Especially when the car is warm and I start it is when I most notice it. All the fluids have been changed and the car is in tip top shape.

    Another question.

    The car still has the original spark plug wires. Do these need to be changed? My friends told me that its not a huge deal on a lexus and to worry about them around 100k. If so, im pumped becuause other than changing oil, kind of worked on my brakes, and installed my wipers, im kind of a rookie at working on cars but the spark plug wires seem like an easy fix.

    Also are there particular wires I should use?

    Thanks in advance fellas :cheers:

  5. In case you haven't noticed, and apparently most of you haven't, I've been away. The long version of why is here.

    On Feb. 9th I was broadsided in my then nice '93 LS by a truck that ran a stop sign. They crossed 5 lanes of traffic, the width of a center median, and tagged me in the L-R door/quarter-panel area at 50 MPH. A sickening "dead thud". I was spun around counterclockwise about 45* and impacted, head-on, at 40 MPH, a large tree planted in the median. The last thing I saw was the rapidly approaching tree. As I was rendered unconsious for a-while, I came to as the Fire/Rescue Dept was prying my door open. Taken to a local hospital I found that I suffered a compression fracture of my L1, T12, and T11 vertabrae. Compression pressure on my L5 vertabrae causes numbness in my left leg. Bruised kidney, liver, and spleen. A gash on my left shin down to bone. Possible torn left rotator cuff. Severe bruising across my chest and abdomin. Left knee cartlidge/ligament strain. And lastly, a mild concussion causing the un-consiuousness. I've been X-rayed, MRI'ed, and C-T scanned until I glow in the dark!

    My '93 was totaled. I firmly believe this car saved my life. Any lesser car would have crumpled into an un-recognizable heap of twisted metal, and possibly allowed the truck to enter the passenger compartment.

    Fortunately I'm recovering, slowly. Have seen 5 doctors, including 2 Orthopedic specialists. Haven't been able to return to work yet, but feeling some better. Possible surgery for my back condition which still hurts, is stiff and sore, and severly limits my mobility. Time will tell if rehab doesn't produce satisfactory results. Possible permanate dis-ability.

    Now the good news. The other party HAD insurance! My attorney is building what he terms "A really good case". Medical expenses, lost income for my business, loss of wages, pain/injury/punative damages equaling 4 times the total loss I suffer, and money for my '93.

    More good news. Having the time, I located a '95 LS , one owner, dealer regular serviced, 98K mile, very clean car. Should pick it up today.

    My gratitude to LEXUS/TOYOTA for producing such a fine, safe, automobile. I'll never drive a lesser car again!

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    Glad to hear that u are safe and alive for that matter!! Congrats on the 95, I have one as well and they seem a little bigger and safer than the 1st generation. Good luck

  6. So I recently put on some 20 inch wheels and I just got back from the coast(400mile round trip) and I had no power on the highway. It feels like my car went from the big strong athletic kid to the fat one that walks around the track in P.E.

    Things I know: All fluids are good, just put a K&N air filter(anybody else have a hard time fitting the cover over the K&N air filter)in.

    Im waiting to put around 1000 miles on the tires to see how they are wearing so maybe I dont need to pay for a wheel allignment. I know I need to balance the wheels cause the steering wheel was a bit shaky at around 65 mph.

    Things I dont know.

    If I do get an allignment, will I need to get another when I put the stocks back on for the winter/fall?

    Does the balance or allignment affect the acceleration?

    I lost about 30-40 mpg on this trip. I usually squeeze about 500 miles out of one tank in highway driving and I usually use fuel cleaner(berrymans, I think its called) Granted there are alot of hills and curves on 101.

    Other than that, enjoy the pics and comments positve or negative are great. I know many of you guys are not into big rims. Enjoy the pics!!


    If you do notice a difference, then i'm assuming those are not forged wheels. If they're not forged wheels then jumping from 16" to 20" , thats a huge jump.. you're adding alot of unsprung weight to your car, that also increases the rotational inertia. The side effects of increased rotational inertia?! Well the acceleration decreases, braking distance increases, gas mileage suffers and steering responsiveness goes out the window. Nice wheels by the way.:cheers:

    Def not forged wheels...I have the original reciept. I was actually very lucky in dealing with Ebay. I got them of a guy who doesnt sell rims and just happen to be selling these becasue he traded in his ls430 and no longer needed them.

  7. Ill double check the air pressure but Im pretty sure there good. Wow, I learned alot from the last 2 posts, thanks a buck. Luckily Im back in school in a smaller town so Im not on the highway that much but I atleast get to roll in style in the warmer months around town. Everybody here is rather rich and retired or a hippy(ashland oregon)!! So many subaru wagons and trucks, not many big sedans on 20's. Thanks again for the comments.

  8. So I recently put on some 20 inch wheels and I just got back from the coast(400mile round trip) and I had no power on the highway. It feels like my car went from the big strong athletic kid to the fat one that walks around the track in P.E.

    Things I know: All fluids are good, just put a K&N air filter(anybody else have a hard time fitting the cover over the K&N air filter)in.

    Im waiting to put around 1000 miles on the tires to see how they are wearing so maybe I dont need to pay for a wheel allignment. I know I need to balance the wheels cause the steering wheel was a bit shaky at around 65 mph.

    Things I dont know.

    If I do get an allignment, will I need to get another when I put the stocks back on for the winter/fall?

    Does the balance or allignment affect the acceleration?

    I lost about 30-40 mpg on this trip. I usually squeeze about 500 miles out of one tank in highway driving and I usually use fuel cleaner(berrymans, I think its called) Granted there are alot of hills and curves on 101.

    Other than that, enjoy the pics and comments positve or negative are great. I know many of you guys are not into big rims. Enjoy the pics!!


  9. Im trying to attach photos of my car but it just times out every time I do. Ive also resized the pics and still nothing. Am I missing something? I just cleaned the car and bought new wheel and Im trying to show them off!! Any advice is helpful..


  10. So im into keeping my car clean but I must admit I dont understand some of the wax talk. I wax my car 2 maybe 3 times a year but usually keep it pretty clean by just washing it. I use any car wash soap. Is there anything I should be looking for inparticular. The sun is gonna be out soon and I would like my car to look the best it can. I have the champiegne colored ls400.

    Thanks guys

  11. Those IS rims look like your rims but with crome... No offense but they look kinda like crome hubcaps....

    Get Skperformance rims like that is shown in his picture under his post.......Those rock!!!!!! You may need to take out a small equity line to afford SK's rims and tires though, they look like they are bank.....

    These aren't that either and may give you ideas... but these in the pics aren't my favorites...

    no offense taken, I didnt really understand what IS rims u were talkin about though?

  12. Thats me. Go and spend $1300 on Tein CS and you wont look back.

    I really think the car is fine and am very happy. Speak to Carsonn toyota

    $1300!!! :wacko: Thats more than I paid for the rims. I gues Im gonna have to wait awhile unless there is another option I find. Thanks for the advice and Ill def post some pics once its up.

  13. Look on the web site www.cartalk.com There is a link to mechanics, type in your zip code, and a list of customer recommended shop for your area will come up. I found one in Esondido called Alternative Automotive with 50+ excellent reports for Lexus service. Shop phone is 760-480-0851. It may be a bit of a drive I'm 40+ miles. But if it as the reports say. It will be worth it. ( I have yet to go there but plan on having service done with them )

    I know my info states Ky. I am moving to the Palm Springs area in 1-2 months and looking ahead for a shop.

    That website is greta!! I live in a smaller town now that Im back in school...again...and its hard to find someone trustworthy. Great info...thanks

  14. So I won the rims and they are wrapped in Yokohamas. Im pretty excited. I got them for a steal at $1000 plus $200 for shipping, well atleast I think I did? Anyhow, Im interested in lowering my car a little but I dont want to ruin anything by doing so. Does anybody have ides, I know 1 guy from Australia put some 20's on his 98 ls400 and put the I think there cien springs on it. Its posted here on the forum. What am I looking to spend? The fiance doesnt know I bought these yet, so if any body lives in the souther oregon area, i might need to sleep on your couch!!

  15. At first, I did not think the rim fit the car, now that it is lowered, it looks much better. I do think more rim and chrome looks better on big luxury sedans. I have a 95 ls400 and I want to put 20's om it myself. I just have to convince the fiance that it is worth it. It looks like you lowered your car the perfect amount. How low did you go?

  16. those are some really nice rims. If you dont mind, what is the total cost with the tires. I wouold love to get some rims on my 95 ls400 but im nervous about losing the nice ride and I dont want to have to drop my car. That benx looks as if its dropped a little. No matter what, rims always look better on a car thats dropped. Plus the 95 is a 2nd generation but a little boxier looking so the rims might be too much. What year is yours? Does that store have a website? Whats the name of the store?


  17. wow, im glad to still see this thread going strong. So I just got back from my trip and here are the results. Its a 463 mile trip. On the way to seattle, I left with a full tanl. I poured a whole bottle of berrymans in while i filled up the gas tank. I didnt top of the gas, just till the first click on the gas pump with chevron premiun. On the way there i stopped a couple times and stayed in portland putting about 10-15 more miles on to the trip. I made to seattle on 1 tank. The next day the gas light came on. So for sure i got about 480 plus how ever much gas is left in the tank when the gas light comes on.

    on the way back, had less weight in the car, filled up with shell premium, no stops other than rest stops(twice) and just made it while the gas light came on about 5 miles before i got home.

    Both trips I used cc at about 75-80mph.

    what do u guys think. I find it interesting that i had less weight and didint do any extra driving and i got less mileage.

    I figured that if i add the 10-15 miles for driving in portland to the total of the 463 mile trip that brings the total to 480 miles plus u have to figure i had atleast 10 more miles when the gas light came on, thats 490 miles total. Doing the math thats 22 miles/gallon and also i didnt top of the gas(dont know if that matters much)

    I want to say thanks to everybody who gave advice and it was exciting to see my results and I would not have been that excited if it wasnt for this site....:blushing:

    She drove like a dream!!!

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