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  1. My 2002 RX300 purchase (bought used) was because it is the perfect car/SUV/station wagon mix, IMO. We have a big Honda Odyssey so the RX is really our "car" not our big people hauler. No towing or hauling stuff from Home Depot, just a car that sits higher for my wife. Also, it has the most comfortable seats of any in this class. The drive is smooth and comfortable, but NOT exciting. Cornering is more like a boat than a sports car. We prefer smooth comfort so it's perfect for us. Used 2002 w/ 55k mi was 20K (FWD, not AWD). That seemed like a great deal for a luxury semi-SUV. We love the RX300, btw.
  2. Thanks, SW. I'm just wondering why POLISH rather than wax? They are two different processes, correct? Also, I get the Zaino online only?
  3. Thanks for the answers. Looks like I should at least wax 2x/year. Actually, with snow/salt etc. here maybe at least 3x. No big deal. Re: Zaino, which product would I want? They have lots at that website. Also are any decent ones available at Sears/Pep Boys/Home Depot or whereever? or is on-line ordering the way to go? Thanks.
  4. I know there is a "detailing" forum, but that one has lots of other type lexus owners and I'm not sure all is the same with different models and years. Also, most over there view detailing and cleaning as a "hobby" whereas I view it as a necessary evil. When I hear them talking about a 3 hr plus "event" then i know it's not the right forum for me! Anyone out there just wash and sometims wax (or other product)? Something that taes 1/2 hr. or so to put on. Does a 2002 RX 300 even need waxing? I know it's much different from old cars which lost their shine quickly if not waxed. Lastly, I see talk of "clay" over there - what is that? Does it replace wax? Thanks.
  5. Maybe. Maybe not. There may be an objective way to find out. Of the dozens of 1999 RX300's for sale at cars.com with over 100,000 miles, I could answer the for sale ads and query the owners or car dealers to find out whether or not the transmission has been replaced. Good idea, Monarch. I'm quite sure that we'd all trust your honesty in reporting what you found out. Your honest approach to this subject on this board has earned you the respect of all! Hey, I have a better idea.....Let's call Toyota and ask them directly if the RX300 has a transmission design problem! I'm sure we'll get an eaqually honest answer. Pleeeeease give it up already, dude. You're getting tiresome.
  6. oops.....Monarch forgot I watch him and his misinformation in this forum. Here we go again...... Yes, there are 37 100k+ Highlanders on cars.com. BUT........ there are 127 100k+ RX300s on cars.com. Hense, I guess your latest "proof" goes the way of all your other "proof". Never mind the fact that having 37 Highlaners for sale that are 100k+ miles adds absolutely NOTHING to the discussion so his post really needed no reply..... It's still fun to factually outwit Monarch AGAIN. C'mon Monarch, THAT'S all you have?!?!?!?!?!? Too easy.
  7. Again, some deception by Monarch. This time he's actually been a bit clever in his silly post.... The Highlander came out in 2001, not 1998/99 like the RX300. Most of the tranny failure discussed in ALL RX300 forums are in the 70k+ milage range. The average vehicle sees about 12,000 mi./yr. This puts most of the OLDEST Highlanders around 60k so far. Add that to the specific search terms and you can see why his search came up nil. Also, because the 99/00 RX design was such a problem, there may have been some changes to the RX300 in its THIRD model year which is the FIRST model year for the Highlander. Sorry, Monarch, I caught you again!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Oh good grief!!!!!! Is there no limit to your silly "proof"? OBVIOUSLY no one is going to ADVERTISE that the vehicle they are trying to sell crapped out! You have got to be kidding! Yeah, they may mention a NORMAL maintanance item (Timing belt) so the new owner would know that one is covered, but a NEW TRANNY? In the ad? Monarch's Add for his RX300 (if he actually had one): For Sale: 2000 Lexus RX300. 100k mi.; Tranny blew out twice; sludged engine replaced from junkyard; Poor turn radius so find big parking spaces. Ideal for those who drive like a grandmother on prozac. ALL fluids changed every 2,000 mi.; Totota quality (up 'till warranty which long ago expired); Comes with extended warranty for everything EXCEPT all parts and labor. $20,000
  9. As long as we're on the subject of tranny fluid..... I was considering a Tranny fluid flush at Jiffy Lube. I know they have MANY issues with poor work so I may go elsewhere. i do NOT want to go to Toyota/lexus because I am having it flushed after I use Auto-RX additive to clean the system. I'm sure Toyota would use that to void my warranty if a problem ever developed. I recently had it flushed at Toyota so they know it's not 'due" for one. ASSUMING jiffy lube (or whoever) can do it properly, I wonder if the Quaker State synthetic fluid they use is OK for the RX300. Of course, they claim it is, but I have no idea. I figure synthetic is probably better as a rule of thumb, assuming it is OK for that particular engine. Any opinions on Quaker State synthetic Tranny fluid? btw, after about 200 mi. with the Auto-RX in the tranny fluid I have noticed a bit smoother shifting, as has my wife who didn't know I added it. Mine seemed fine already, so I'm in more of a PM stage on the cleanup. The fluid didn't look so good when I had it flushed at 55k mi. It's used and I'm not sure if the previous owner flushed it or not. The Auto-RX goes for about 1000 mi. then it is flushed out. I know many would say not to screw while it's still under warranty, but I have no desire to have a failure after hitting 70k - I figure if the Auto-RX will help, it needs to be done sooner rather than when the tranny is on it's way out! I'll just lie to Lexus if anything happens under warranty (may sound "dishonest" but that's how the warranty game is played). If the failure were truely MY fault, then I'd own up to it. However, they use ANYTHING to point the blame back at the owner so I'll play their game.
  10. Then why don't the 2WD RX300, ES300, Camry's, Sienna Vans, etc. transmissions have failures? They do. Find a Sienna site from that time frame and you'll see tranny complaints just like here. The Camary is less so because it is a much lighter vehicle, of course. Also, the 2WD RX300 DOES have many reports of failures. At least, quite a few considering how few were sold compared to the AWD. OBVIOUSLY, Toyota/Lexus should have instructed owners to change the tranny fluid every 20-30k miles on this vehicle. However, had they done that many fewer would have been sold as most buyers would have assumed it meant the tranny was inferior to what they expect, especially from toyota and and from a $40k vehicle! btw, Monarch, you're "gently driven" remark was a nice touch! I can just see the TV comercials for the "Monarch RX300" - "Drive it with tender gentleness and ALWAYS change the fluids when you stop for gas and your new luxury lexus might last half as long as you expect from Toyota!"
  11. Monarch, when are you going to "get it" that we ALL KNOW your true "intent" on this board is to excuse Toyota/lexus for a tranny/power design that is a disaster? You latest "advice" is getting comical indeed! "Don't use 4th gear", "Change tranny fluid whenever you fill up the gas tank", "Don't accelerate", "Don't carry passangers", "NO children over 40 lbs (including car seat", "Use a different vehicle to "haul" groceries", "no long trips", "No short trips", ..... What's NEXT? "Go on a diet before driving the RX" !?!?!?!?!? Dude, you well know that most lexus owners are not kids racing off stop lights. Few even tow with this "SUV". You really need to re-read your posts to see what a joke it's become!
  12. You know, I recently had my fluid flushed at toyota and they mentioned the additive but I didn't inquire any further. What is it? Is it used as a "flush assist" or is it added after the flush and stays in the fluid? How long have they done this? Is it used on all flushes or just for certain vehicles? I was planning on using Auto-RX in my tranny soon, but I wonder if Toyota added something that is supposed to function in a similar fashion.
  13. An additional problem is that many owners fail to realize the service intervals prescribed in the Scheduled Maintenance Guide of ALL carmakers are merely the minimum frequency intervals required to keep the 70,000 mile powertrain warranty in effect. But for optimum mechanical component life, more frequent service intervals are necessary. Good grief!!!!!! Monarch, even you had to chuckle when you posted THIS little bit of wisdom! This sounds like the 1970s U.S. made cars "designed NOT to last!" Please let us know the page in the owner's manual of our $40,000 vehicle where you saw that service information. I must have missed it. I DID NOT miss where it said the Tranny fluid doesn't need to be changed at all under normal conditions! Again, for those that don't know, Monarch is a shill for Toyota/Lexus and his posts ALWAYS blame the owner for the design flaw we ALL (including Monarch) know exists in this vehicle's tranny design. Oh, and btw, MANY tranny failures in the RX300 were to vehicles with tranny fluid changed at 30k intervals - that's why Monarch now says "15k", which, as we ALL KNOW is totally unheard of for a tranny fluid change interval!
  14. Search AutoTrader or cars.com, You find plenty of privately owned Lexus' for sale. Well, just for kicks i did search cars.com and found a total of ONE RX330 for sale by a private owner within 250mi. of my home. One out of 257 total for sale in that radius. As I said, tough to find with so new and high-valued a vehicle.
  15. edgil, finally, someone who agrees with me and doesn't like the look of the wood! It looks sooooo cheap/fake/plastic that I just don't "get it". I also don't like the feel of the wood when it's cold out so I looked around until I found one with an all-leather steering wheel and shifter. I haven't seen the aluminum trim but I know I'd prefer it to the wood. let us know how your conversion works out (although regardless of how nice it looks, i'm WAY to lazy and cheap do do it myself)..
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