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Everything posted by wstr75

  1. Am now owner of Silver 2006 400h! Bought it today. Man, can the 400h accelerate! Am looking forward to being a Lexus owner for a long, long time. wstr
  2. Am considering buying 400h but am amazed at number of 400h cars for sale on cars.com and ebay with less than 9000 miles. Are these folks that somehow found a way to buy the car, claim the tax credit and are now selling it for an overall profit or breakeven situation OR are these folks that after 9K or fewer miles have determined that they don't like the 400h driving experience? I almost pulled the trigger last weekend to buy a 400h to replace my 02 Yukon, but the sheer numbers of low mileage 400h cars being listed has got me concerned. I can understand dealerships selling demo cars with less than 2K miles, but pulling the same search terms on RX 330 you don't see anyone selling 05 or 06 models with similar mileage. What gives? Inquiring minds want to know (before plunking down >$45K of hard earned money)!
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