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Everything posted by latzke

  1. Lest you get the wrong impression, I did not use a profanity (the word is a common word for urinating that starts with a "p").
  2. Per this topic... I can't email or PM you until I have 20 posts. I can't email...so the "if not" seems to be implied. Is this a way to tell me to *BLEEP* off without actually havig to type those words, or did you forget that I can't email? The way the moderators of this forum have so welcomed me (censored my post, wrongly accused me of not reading the rules, locked my thread - three things I've never before experienced in 13+ years on the net) and listned to my feedback (by focusing on justifying the rules, which I have no problem with, instead of better docuemnting the rules so they are more clear-obvious for future new users), sticking around doesn't seem likely. I'm surprised you're not interested in the observations and feedback an outsider has, especially when the feedback is specific to how your site (fails to) communicate the specifics of this forum to new users. Maybe you want to continue turning new users away by confusing them, then mocking them for not reading the undocumented rules. I'm not sure why the original thread was locked. I was being polite and constructive. It ended up off-topic, but that could be solved without locking it (move it, without leaving a shadow, to this feedback section of the forum). Locking it limits my feedback options (can't PM/email you, like you suggest I should...can't reply to locked thread) to opening another thread (as I've done here) - which seems like a behavior you'd like to discourage instead of encourage (I imagine you'd prefer to keep discussions within a topic, not have several topics spawned for the one discussion).
  3. That's quite fine/OK. It's an uncommon choice in my experience, but your choice none-the-less. It's your board and thus (rightly) your rules. My real beef is that these things are poorly documented (this thread, and others like it, are the only places I see the 20-post-count limitation mentioned). The PM Section of the Help area doesn't document it, the error message given the user does't document, nothing about it in the For Visitors and New Users area, etc. Had I been able to find this information, I would never have posted this topic/thread, and never (wrongly) accused of "forgetting to read the rules." Profiles can be viewed by members and non-members, logged in or not. I don't think it would be difficult to harvest contact information (email addresses from MSN messenger field, home page URLs, IM information, etc) that people have made available in their profiles with a few simple scripts. I assume that being able to send someone a PM or email through the board doesn't give the sender the email address of the recipient. While annoying (one could send emails to people), that is much different (and not inclusive of) revealing more personal/contact info than looking at profiles.
  4. Done (original post linked to one of these online classified ads). I just thought someone here might be interested in a rare car at a good price. I'm not sure why it's such a bad thing to have people registering just to sell cars (people do it on NSX Prime all the time...and we like it cause it helps us find good deals on the kind of car we like), but that's your choice. BTW, I did go back and scan for the text you posted above in red. Sorry I missed it (must have thought it was part of the banner ad). My suggestion to include this info in more than one place (help, forum rules) is still one I would make. Thanks for your help.
  5. Well, you could PM me to ask for info, but I wouldn't be able to PM back: Looking in the "help" section, as suggested by this error message, I'm not able to determine why I'm not able to PM. Another suggestion to admin/moderators would be to edit these types of error messages so they're a little more useful. With no documented reason (that I can find) I'm inclined to think the board is broken.
  6. BTW, I did see this rule... ...but it was a little hard to post in the buy/sell forum. I figured my post would likely be moved (without leaving shadow) to the buy/sell forum and not completely censored. This is the first time EVER, on ANY forum that I've had a post censored/edited by a moderator/admin. Seemed a little overboard. - Craig
  7. Too bad they fail to mention this anywhere where I think it would be obvious. Hopefully they'll start per my suggestion.
  8. Moderator edited the title of this thread to read "I Forgot To Read The Rules" and stripped the (my) content from this post. I ask, "What rules?" I looked in the places I thought would cover rules/etiquette/etc... - forum terms and conditions - Buy And Sell Forum Specific Rules - Help ...and was unable to find anything about restrictions on posting to the buy/sell forum. Given that I didn't receive an email to verify my email address (which I'm used to forums doing to keep trolls/bots/etc away) I reasoned that maybe there was an issue along the way with such an email (sending failure, cought by SPAM filter) and that was the issue. I didn't see any restrictions on new memebers, heck the Buy And Sell Forum Specific Rules section says the following, which implies the opposite: If you're going to have rules (whatver they are, it's your right to have them), please at least make them easy to find and obvious. Good car forums I'm familiar with, like NSX Prime, do a pretty good job of making any restrictions obvious. I would suggest following suit and putting whatever rules you have about classifieds into the threads I linked to above...unless you like making it non-obvious so you can put people like me in their place (which would be a rare mindset for a forum admin/moderator). Regards, Craig
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