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Everything posted by rdalemercer

  1. Check out www.etonrack.com - it seems to be a very secure method of attaching your skis to the top of your HS. The only caveat is that it will only handle skis - no snowboards - and I would think that you would want your roof to be "extremely clean" so the rack doesn't leave any "ugly marks". I also saw "inno racks" has a magnetic system that will work for both ski and snowboards, but couldn't find anything about it on their (in Japanese) website.
  2. I'm looking for a Ski Rack that I can add to the top of the GX. There are several on the market - but as I have never owned one I thought that someone in this austere group would have an opinion based on experience that could provide some insight into the good, the bad and the forgetable so I don't waste my time. Any thought as to the benefit of the Ski Rack vs the Top Carrier (you know, the cases/pod-like things that fit on top of the vehicle that you put skis and other stuff into)? Thoughts? Opinions? Experiences? Thanks in advance.
  3. Holy Seat Heaters Batman! normally I just trun the seat eharter on and then turn it down when it starts to get warm - without letting it get "uncomfortable" This morning was different. I turned it on and left it on. It was 34 outside. Cold - OK, OK, NOT "really" cold, but cold enough on the leather seats and through my thin slacks. So - the verdict? HOT! Too uncomfortable to really keep them on for any longer than I did. I don't remember it getting that HOT before (but I've only had my GX for 2 weeks). Could it be possible that Lexus has developed a "double volume control" so that the colder it is outside, the hotter the temp at the same settingon the dial? It's not in the book....but there are a LOT of things that are NOT in the book.
  4. Have you contacted your Lexus dealer directly to ask about buying one as a spare part? They would have to have them available for those people that damage theirs and need a replacement.
  5. I've had the RX300, IS 300 and now the GX. Both the RX and the IS seat heaters were either "off" or "on" only. To that point the GX wins with the rotating switch that allows me to set the seat temp to what my "hiney" will bear. The RX and IS seat heaters were "warmer" but not superior to the GX. I vote that they are "just fine"
  6. Thanks. Found the list of voice commands. Seems like they could have added it in the Nav book and included it in the table of contents? Maybe I'm asking too much from a $54,000 vehicle? Where was the focus goup that was supposed to have been a part of the people to tell Lexus "I like this", "great", "good", "bad", "very bad", "don't do that" and finally "what were you thinking?" Does anyone from Lexus visit this forum -- and more importantly -- read these comments? Life continues.
  7. I have the clunk. GX is 12 days old (since I picked it up) and has less than 300 miles on it. Clunk appears as follows: Coming to a stop, the GX slows and stops. several seconds pass and "clunk", the GX does a little "lurch" and then stops. As others here have opined, it almost "feels" as though I have been struck by another vehicle - although a quick look around dispells that notion. It is disconcerting. Can someone please kindly provide the TSB number? Is it a permanent fix to this issue? Thanks.
  8. List of commands in the book? Really? Where? I haven't seen a list anywhere and it is NOT in the table of contents. Also - my accent is closer to a midwest accent also. One "funny" thing that happened with the voice commands. After getting totally exasperated with it not recongnizing my voice I finally asked "What is the meaning of Love"...the response was "Home is not registered" Oh well.
  9. OK- this is really frustrating. 1. There is no comprehensive word list: what commands work? 2. Each spoken command results in something else happening. So far it appears to be use"less"... Hopefully one of you can change my mind, but so far I'm not impressed. Please don't misunderstand me - I still love my GX, but it seems that a little more engineering needed to go into this option.
  10. I would have considered adding the "hardware" option - and deciding later if I wanted the service or not. Why? Just as a re-sale tool for the future. It seems (from the pictures) that the Lexus Link hardware is located where the sunglass holder is in the non-Lexus Link equipped GX. Again, "IF" the wiring harness is already there, then it seems that it would be a simple matter to add. By the way, it's been one week since I received my GX -- and no clunk. Thanks.
  11. Wondering if you can add the Lexus Link system to a GX that does not have it. I have the NAV system - so if they were thinking ahead and have the wiring already there it would be a snap?
  12. Is there a way to manually add a phone number to the GX phone book? I have a Blackberry 7100g that doesn't allow me to transfer phone numbers. Thanks,
  13. Does anyone have a complete list of the available voice commands? I can't seem to find it int he manual and the on-screen "help"guide seems a little cumbersome to go to each tme you want to read over the list. Thanks!
  14. If memory serves me correctly - this issue is not the phoe companies fault - but beacuse RIM has removed the Bluetooth data transfer capacbility from all units shipped to the USA because of their US Government contracts that would not be possible if it were installed. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems to be what I read on one of the RIM issues forums : www.blackberryforums.com <-- please be sure to search for the issue before starting a new thread.
  15. Has anyone heard what is being planned for the new 2006 GX470? 1. Lexus Link (Factory or Port installed option)? 2.? 3.? . . .
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