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  1. Everyone, Thanks for all the suggestions and comments. I assume what everyone means about the rear arm rest is the center one, will play with that, also will look at the cover over the back and its' attachements. Two follow ups. 1. Lexus washed the car to try and repeat the skeaky noise, they found it, and it is the window runners. Had only three in stock and are ordering the 4th. That was ten days ago, still waiting. 2. I 'let' my husband drive the car and now there is a NEW squeak, on the driver arm rest, if he rests his elbow on it, NOT hard, just resting, and he is an average sized man. So will add that to the repairs when they call me in for the window runners. And when I find the rearish squeak will let you know, heading out for a 250 mile road trip and will work on it, really thanks for the suggestions. Interestingly, in cold weather, it seems better. Lydia
  2. Hi, I have 7600 miles on the RX400h in the Washington DC area. Drives like a dream, mileage as most have reported. Two problems in the last six weeks, that seem increasingly annoying.. has anyone else had that same, and if so, what has the dealer done? 1. There is a rattle audible inside the car when moving. I have NOTHING in the car, seems to be coming from the back 'cargo' area. My spouse has driven and I have sat in the rear seats to try and isolate it, but can not. 2. Lately when it rains, ie when the door windows are wet, if I roll them down, after the rain stops, about a 1/2 way down they squeek, LOUDLY, Yesterday, it was just moist out, the humidity was up and it did it. Mostly the driver's window. Small but annoying for such an expensive vehicle. Anyone else had similar? Thanks in advance, Lydia
  3. Last tank of gas, at an off brand 87 octane, the first twenty miles 23.0 mpg, today at a name brand also 87 first twenty miles 34 mpg.. what gives..similar conditions city no ac relatively flat.. Currently about 3400 miles on the car. L
  4. Mine does it too sometimes. Also the dash, even in the shade. This is my first Lexus and first hybrid. L
  5. Has anyone else experienced either of these minor problems: 1. my spouse went to plug in some electrical toy, like an ipod adapter and the silvery looking panel came out, not entirely but it disconnected from its mounting. He pushed it back and I am bringing it into the shop for them to look at it. 2. Also driving down the road the safety belt warning light and buzzer came on, he checked the belt latch and it was secure. Pulled over, checked it again, and then turned off the engire, unbelted and rebelted and the problem corrected itself. I would be interested if anyone has expereinced these minor problems, or others.. TIA L
  6. Also in the Dc area. Beltway answering on BT in the 400 is sweet. In your post your write 1.08 s/w on the Treo. What is s/w TIA Lydia
  7. Do not have the answer to your question about call waiting on BT. Sorry. But have a question for you. I am also I the DC area and am likely going to switch back to a palm based phone when my contract with T Mo ends on my ipaq in Sept. It works with the 400h, but not well. Question, who is your service provider for the treo 650 with? and were you able to 1. transfer the phone book 2. make outgoing calls on the rs rather than the treo? TIA Lydia
  8. I have a Tmobile HP Ipaq 6315 smart phone with GPRS. (maybe that is why i can not get the phone book to transfer) Everyone, from t mobile, hp and lexus said it would not work. Turns out 1.blue tooth works.. but has to reset it each time I get in the car. 2. phone book does not transfer. If I can not find a work around when my contract ends in Sept, I will get a treo 650 with cingular, if necessary.
  9. In the 1000 miles over three weeks, I have had the same experience, I think it is just getting used to the car.
  10. Does anyone know if it is possible to enter one's phone book by voice instead of bluetooth? I am still having no success entering by bluetooth my contact list. :cries: I have taken the suggestions of making sure there is just one phone number per name. My HP IPaq though billed as a smart phone, has lots of quirks and is more than challenging to me. Lydia
  11. Hi everyone, Question - is there a way to type in directly on the 400h the name with a phone number in phone book WITHOUT using BT? Background - I have a HP Ipaq 6315 with tmobile, after many hours and attempts have finally gotten BT to work for phone calls with the 400h. Both Lexus letstalk and HP and tmobile ALL said there was NO compatabilty. I would like to be able to 'type' in the name information that goes with the 4 one touch numbers I have entered - via incoming/outcoming, but do not see how to do that. It will take a number of fixes, ie many hours of finding the software online, as I have yet to find to get a BT transfer of my ipaq phone book and all I really need are about a dozen one touch numbers and names. TIA Lydia
  12. Patt, After many hours and disappointment, I had resolved to get a new phone - from T mobile as my contract is still ongoing. However, today as a lark, a co worker had a BT ear bud that I did a fast and easy sync with. When I got home tonight, I thought, one more try, even though the HP IPAQ-T mobile guys said yesterday it was not compatabile. And low and behold it worked. Beats me as to why. I did nothing different tonight. I was not able yet to sync my phone book, will leave that task for tomorow when I am more alert. I was looking last night at the V630, but it does not look like it has real pda functions which I need. Maybe now I will not have to. What have you decided to do? Lydia
  13. Contact Pro and Patt After spending an hour on the hour with tmobile and hpipaq, it is clear my smart phone will not pair. My contract with t mobile is over in Sept. In researching, the only other smart phone wiht BT that t mobile currently carries is the Motorola A630, but its pda features do not look strong. Supposedly they will be start to carry the palm treo 650 in the next few months. Any other ideas..,TIA, Lydia
  14. What cell carrier are you using for your treo 650. I currently have a blue enabled ipaq 6315 which works fine with a Jabra 250 headset, but I wanted to sync with the car obviously, but apparently there is an incompatibily. I have now gone through 4 tech folks at t -mobile and hp ipaq. My next phone was going to be a treo 650, but do not see it listed in the lexusletstalk page. So what service are you using. thanks in advance, Lydia
  15. PATT Thanks for the info on T mobile. Maybe that is why I can not get my phone to conntect. I have an HP IPAQ 6315 - very new technology and often very squirrely.. challenging... I thought it was the phone but maybe there is a basic incompatibility. Makes not sense to me, bluetooth is bluetooth. Lydia
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