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95/96 Ls400 Low Idle, Engine Dies And Jerking Thre
LEGENDICON replied to 95LS400Bob's topic in 90 - 00 Lexus LS400
Hey, sorry fellaz but I got too fed up with this problem so i gave up and traded in my LS400. I Just picked up a new CADILLAC Deville DTS black on black. Wow this car is incredible. It has so many features i dont even know what to do with them. the ride is better than the lex, more power and handleing is twice as good as the lex, and between both these V-8's the cady gets better gas mileage. I thought The interior on was nice on the lex but the cady puts it to shame with more compfortable seats, softer leather, more room and user friendly features. Dont get it twisted I did like the lex alot except for the constant problems, but to me the cady just blows it away. And good luck trying to fix this studdering problem if u'z are still experiencing it because 2 months of mechanics not being able to fix mine was too much and i had to give up. so good luck -
Hey, just like dayaln over here I got too fed up with this ongoing problem with my lex LS400 so I traded it in. I Just picked up a new CADILLAC Deville DTS black on black. Wow this car is incredible. It has so many features i dont even know what to do with them. the ride is better than the lex, more power and handleing is twice as good as the lex, and between both these V-8's the cady gets better gas mileage. I thought The interior on was nice on the lex but the cady puts it to shame with more compfortable seats, softer leather, more room and user friendly features. Dont get it twisted I did like the lex alot except for the constant problems, but to me the cady just blows it away. And good luck trying to fix this studdering problem if u'z are still experiencing it because 2 months of mechanics not being able to fix mine was too much and i had to give up. so good luck
95/96 Ls400 Low Idle, Engine Dies And Jerking Thre
LEGENDICON replied to 95LS400Bob's topic in 90 - 00 Lexus LS400
hey bob I just called the # on the ebay auction , let me tell ya , there good people that seem like they know what there talking about, he knew my problem and said he had a solution, if you didnt call i would reccommend you do. and hey thanks for posting that site. I will post my results if i send him my comp. -
Hey Sha what exactly was your 91 ls400 doing, can you explain the simptoms b/c if it is like you say real similar to my problem, I will definalty mention it to my dealer whos been working on my car for over a week now. I dont know if i Lucked out or what but my dealer worked somthing out with me where if he thinks he found the problem he'll replace the part but if it turns out it didnt fix it he'll take it out and the whole thing wont cost me a penny. instead of dumping money into part after part. hes on his 3rd possible solution now. but thanks alot for the heads up SHA, like i said if the problems are similar i will definatly relay the possible ignition coil to him. but i dont understand how that could be a factor since the car has the idle , studdering, stalling problems after the car is on ......... hummmmm
Thanks for the advise LEGENDICON... I will keep it in mind. I am off to test drive a C320, as I said, I am very close to throwing in the towel... ← Yea i hear ya, im very close to doing the same, I am now looking into replacing the ECU as i am running out of options i have changed damn near everything I could think of. :cries: my car has been in the hands of the lexus dealer for a week now and they have no clue whats wrong, wow i didnt know this problem was that serious. I hope you guys have more luck than I had and please if any1 finds a selution dont run off post it for the rest of us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
95/96 Ls400 Low Idle, Engine Dies And Jerking Thre
LEGENDICON replied to 95LS400Bob's topic in 90 - 00 Lexus LS400
Hey there, for some reason i cant open the site you posted, also i am the guy with the 93 Ls400 with the same problem as you guys, do the site give any insite on how to fix the problem? if yes can you relay them to me thanks -
Yo, whats up Ls400 is looking Tight, if you really want to stick with the 20's did you think about just cutting out the inside of the rear fender, its simple to do and usually solves the rubbing problem. good luck
I talked to my mechanic, he says it was cleaned when the engine was changed a couple of months ago. It is owrth noting that with in a week of the new engine being installed, I noticed the problem. Now the mechanic thinks it is "Mass Airflow Sensor"... The engine code was an O2 code, but one of the O2 senors was already changed. He thinks the code is a symptom, not a cause. I tend to agree... But the fix proposed would be just an educated guess, again! ← Dayaln; since we have very similar problems let me suggest that chances are if you replace the Mass Air Flow Meter, it wont fix the problem. from my experience, just some info, the part from lexus runs about $700-$800, I purchased one from ebay for about $250. when lexus ran a diognostiscs on my car they said the problem was the MAFM and the Idle Control Valve. since then, ive replaced both and still the problem continues. I mean things might be different for you Dayaln but its just some info to help you on your decision for your next move. later
its been about 2 months not and who knows how much $$$$ ive spent already and still no selution. So here we go; so far in effort to correct this problem i started small and inexpensive and worked my way up. I have replaced the spark plugs, wires, oil filter , fuel filter, air filter, caps, and rotors, NOT FIXED. So I cleaned the throttle body, and replaced the Air Flow Meter. NOT FIXED. now i just had the dealer put in a new idle control valve where they said that was definalty the problem. funny, they were wrong, because I stalled out on the way home from the dealership. So back the car went, they are currently running all types of tests and diognostics on it. hopfully there genius mechanics will resolve this problem and I can report good new with the cure to all of you. but any1 come across some answer please keep us all posted.
95/96 Ls400 Low Idle, Engine Dies And Jerking Thre
LEGENDICON replied to 95LS400Bob's topic in 90 - 00 Lexus LS400
Ok. Im the guy with a 93 Ls 400 with the same problem as you 95ers and im on the very of insanity now fellas. So here we go; so far in effort to correct this problem i started small and inexpensive and worked my way up. I have replaced the spark plugs, wires, oil filter , fuel filter, air filter, caps, and rotors, NOT FIXED. So I cleaned the throttle body, and replaced the Air Flow Meter. NOT FIXED. now i just had the dealer put in a new idle control valve where they said that was definalty the problem. funny, they were wrong, because I stalled out on the way home from the dealership. So back the car went, they are currently running all types of tests and diognostics on it. hopfully there genius mechanics will resolve this problem and I can report good new with the cure to all of you. but any1 come across some answer please keep us all posted. -
Me too! Thanks for starting the thread. ← Whats up all. ok I did a full tune up on my 93 ls400 including plugs wires air filter oil filter , fuel filter, both caps and rotors. all parts purchased from lexus. Car runs a hell of alot better , no more studdering while driving and alot more power, BUT..... I still have idle problems, only hesitates at complete stop. also if I thro her into neutral at a red light the idle jumps up to 3k rpms. I hear the idle control valve needs to be replaced or cleaned, so b4 I buy one for $900 from lexus im having my mech. clean it as we speak so hopefully that will solve this problem. will keep u updated.
hey guys ok a few updates , i put in a new air flow meter that lexus said was the problem and that did nothing still the same shuddering and occasional stalling. i also replaced the air filter cuz mine was jampacked with dirt , helped with power but still the problems exist. so I am currently looking for a "idle control valve" currently cant find one other than the dealer but , to much dinero $$. Im asking you guys if anyone knows where i might be able to get one new or a working used one. for my 93 ls400 90-94 will fit. Please get back to me if you can help my car is off the road b/c of this problem. you can reply here or email me at [email protected] . thanks i appreciate it .
95/96 Ls400 Low Idle, Engine Dies And Jerking Thre
LEGENDICON replied to 95LS400Bob's topic in 90 - 00 Lexus LS400
hey whats up guys does any one here know where i can get a "Idle control Valve" new or used for a 93 Ls 400 I believe 90-94 will fit. .other than the dealer cuz they want damn near $ 900 for it which is rediculous. PLEASE HELP my car is off the road because of this problem because of stalling and studdering while giving it gas , not drivable plus i dont want to hurt the car. If you can help me either respond here or you can email me at [email protected] i appreciate it. -
Then you need to be told. STOP YELLING AT FOLKS. When you use all caps it is the same as yelling. It is not nice. Turn your Cap key off. ← hahaha well sorry man I didnt know you could "YELL" over the computer but I will lower case everything from now on just for you................ ok now getting back to the discussion at hand. To let you all know I brought my 93 ls400 the other day to the lexus dealership to put it on the diognostic machine and the results were it said I have a faulty "Air Flow Meter" and "Idle Control Valve". Now lexus wants a rediculous amount for these parts $1300 for the AFM and $800 for the ICV. Im going to see if I can find one locally for a cheaper price. But I recommend that everyone with this problem also checks there intake air filter which might also be the villan here because when I checked my it was dirty beond belief. So I will be replacing that also. I will keep you posted.
This is not a shudder -- as in vibration related. This is engine momentarily loosing rpm and power, causing a jerk, or a sequence of jerks. Happens in park as well as drive. It is like the engine starts choking up whenever there is demand for power during acceleration - especially around 1800 rpm. Once above 2200 rpm, it again runs smooth. The problem is not repeatable and I have not seen any corelation with outside temperature or humidity. It is intermittent - pretty bad one day, no problems the next day. I do see that it becomes worse when I put 89 octane vs 91 octane gas. I am thinking it is either a clogged fuel filter or a bad injector. ← WOW YO PGUPTA IM A NEW MEMBER HERE AND I HAVE A 93 LEXUS LS400 240,000 MILES ON THE BAD BOY AND I HAVE THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM AS YOU BRO. WHEN IDELING AT A RED LIGHT IT OCCASIONALLY SHUDDERS FOR A QUICK SECOND EVERY MINUTE OR SO. BUT WHEN IM DRIVING I FIND THAT AT 1800 RPM'S IT STUTTERS ALITTLE WHILE GIVING GAS LIKE A TEMPORARY LOSS OF POWER IN A JERKING MOTION ITS A WEIRD FEELING UNTILL IT GETS OVER THE 2000 RPM THEN ITS SMOOTH SAILING. WELL I JUST PUT A FUEL INJECTION CLEANER INTO MY GAS TANK (SUPPOSEDLY THE BEST ONE) BUT STILL STUTTERING. PLEASE I NEED HELP AND I DONT HAVE A LOT OF $$$$ TO GO OUT AND TRY FIXING EVERYTHING TILL I GET IT RIGHT. PLEASE GET BACK TO ME CUZ ITS STARTTING TO GET REAL FRUSTRATING AS YOU PROBABLY ALREADY KNOW.