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Posts posted by nc211

  1. One thing I've learned to do on the Mercedes is order my own parts online and then just have the mechanic do the work. That has worked out well for me.

    If it's a repair that I can't do myself, then this is what I have done for many years as well with my Lexus vehicles (and the others). I order from www.parts.com and take them to an indi. Currently, I've got two motor mounts for my GS sitting in my garage that will be heading to the local shop on the corner next week to be installed.

    The pain of owning a Lexus, much as the MB you've got, isn't so much the retail cost of parts at the dealership, but the LABOR costs! Typically, there is about a 30%+ upcharge on buying parts directly from the dealership vs the online guys. Sometimes you can find a dealer willing to price match (including the shipping costs), but it's rare. You can also avoid the "Lexus" premium by buying some parts from the Toyota dealership. This is great for the fluids - specifically the transmission fluid. There is a large premium between the two. Also, many Toyota dealerships will do the routine service on your Lexus, for Toyota costs, not Lexus. Many use this option for oil changes and such. For example: It costs me $80 at the Toyota dealer here to have my V8 4runner serviced with Mobile 1 and tire rotation. The GX470, which is identical mechanically, costs well north of $110+ for the same service around here. No difference in oil, filter, or process.

  2. You guys need the Hunter alignment system with the straight-trak option. Google "hunter alignment". You're looing for a website that is something like gsp9700.com. I can't recall exactly, but you'll know it when you see it. You can search within your area for a shop that has the system "most dealers do, but not all have the straight-trak option. When I replaced the oem 17 tires on my old Mazda 3 gt with more aggresive tires, it would pull as well. Straight-trak fixed it. Sorry for typos, on my blackberry in Arizona at the moment

  3. 2 months to go until the end of the year. But, I'll be the first to admit, that I think my hopeful predictions might not happen this year. Actually, I kind of hope they don't, because for oil to tank that much, in that amount of time, would probably cause too much collateral damage to the rest of the economy. We need a gradual reduction, not a falling off the cliff that would catch a lot of investors off guard.

    But, I still smell a rat in all of this!

  4. I wouldn't have considered the GX right now since it is so old, and I absolutely hate that stupid swinging rear door!

    I hate that door! I know several people with GXs and Rav4s and all of them hate that door...

    You know, that's something that I have never been able to figure out. Given such the close connection between the 4runner and the GX, why the GX doesn't have a roll-down rear window like the 4runner always has, is beyond me. Ask any 4runner owner to name the top three things they love about their car, and guaranteed that feature is listed in that list. The 4runner is cheaper, it's a favorite feature (a buying feature too for some), so you'd think the rich cousin would have it too....

    Anyways....sweet ride Smooth.. Instead of cookies and soda at the Lexus shop, do they offer free sauerkraut and guinness and at the dealership?

    Danke!! !Removed!-cruiser!!!

    me? jealous? what would ever give you that idea! ;)

  5. Once you're at that spot, then I'd just do it every 5,000 miles or so (every oil change) to insure, and ensure, a smooth as butter transmission for a VERY LONG TIME!

    Now..., that is something I would call overkill :blink:, but to each his/her own. ;)

    I can see where you'd think that. But if you've ever changed your own oil, and done one of these drain n' fill proceedures, you'll know that it's probably the easiest thing to do on the car. Just one easily reached bolt is all it takes...

  6. I, like KF, have shot those Rhinos across the garage floor one too many times as well. If you have a smooth surface, they simply don't grip well enough to ensure confidence in them when you're trying to pull up on them, and ESPECIALLY when you're backing down. They go flying out from underneath, which drops the car down pretty hard. I tossed mine in the garbage and built my own out of wood, which has worked out PERFECTLY.

    This is what I did: I went and bought two 6 foot boards of 2x10 wood. I basically made a tripod for each wheel, 6 inches high. I can drive up on them, drive over them, and they don't budge on damn inch when doing so. They look something like this:




    EDIT: For some reason, I can't center the pieces here. They're supposed to look like a triangle "A", not a "L"

    If you have a table saw, cut the corners at a 45 degree angle on each end, like this " / and \ "

    I simply used deck screws to connect the middle piece to the lower piece, and the top piece to the middle piece.

    They're heavy, but easily storable under a work bench. Or, you can simply drill a hole into one of the bottom pieces and hang them up. I run my 4runner over them, my GS, my former Mazda, and my former neighbor's Ford Expedition. They don't budge, they don't strain, they don't do anything but what they're meant to do. MUCH MUCH MUCH safer then those plastic Rhino ramps, by a million country miles!

    Here is a photo of them when I was changing the transmission fluid in the Mazda. That car had much lower ground clearence then Lexus, and I had no problems with space and angles of entry onto the ramps.


  7. Randy, the question wasn't stupid, the initial answer you received in your initial post was! Anyone telling you not to change your transmission fluid after 150k miles, is probably hoping you come back when your transmission burns up!

    Do the drain n' fill proceedure a few times, and you'll be good as gold, right as rain, smooth as britney's....uh...wait, how old are you before I finish that last one? :lol:

    Use Geniune Toyota type IV fluid though. Buy a case at your nearest Toyota dealership ($50 +/-), and do the two quarts out/two quarts in routing about every 500 miles or so until you've done that 3 or 4 times. By that time, the old fluid coming out, will look like the new fluid going in. Once you're at that spot, then I'd just do it every 5,000 miles or so (every oil change) to insure, and ensure, a smooth as butter transmission for a VERY LONG TIME!

  8. I have never done this. I must have taken the caliper bolts off of my former 95' LS at least 6 times over the years I owned it. I never once noticed any thread-lock type material on them. I never once used thread lock, and every time I had to take them out, they were just as tight as when they went in, and would require me hitting the wrench with a hammer to get them to break free. The same for my 4runner too.

  9. In my personal opinion, I see those who think 9/11 was engineered by our own government, and think all other wars over this country's history are somehow designed by us for us...... are those who have no problems sleeping at night knowing people on this earth rape and murder little children in front of their mother's eyes in the most horrific manner humanly unimaginable (Hitler), those who kill a mother right in front of her children's eyes (Taliban), those who ebrace the torturing of it's own people via feet-first into a wood chipper (Sadam), those who applauded Pearl Harbor and would rather urinate on the USS Arizona and it's forever occupants, and those who have no damn business living in this free country. Sean Penn is an idiot. And I hope, for the sake of all the fallen heros for whom you and I owe our way of life to, that we as a nation will ALWAYS stand up and fight to the death those who behave in this manner. I understand free speech. I embrace the fact that a guy like me won't track down those like Sean Penn to send to their maker for expressing their views. You think that would be the case had we not fought the fights we've fought, and will fight? Nope.

    The truth is; those who answer the call in this great country, are smart enough to know that one of the principals we call to protect, allows us the ability to tolerate the idiots who don't have a clue. Those who complain and make such statements as the Micheal Moore's of the world, are actually the ones' who are benefitting the most from the spilled blood of our nation's best, by being allowed to say the bullsh!t they say in an open and public manner.

  10. My only advice would be to have the other side replaced as well. Struts should be replaced in "pairs", not individually. Now, you'll have one side stiffer then the other, and on an SUV, that's probably not the greatest of ideas.

    In the future, if the service is being done under warranty, then the dealership is the ideal place to go. But, if it's out of your pocket, it's the last place on earth you want to go, unless if you've got money to waste. $700 is a total fraud. Buy your parts from an online vendor, like www.parts.com, then take them to an indi mechanic for install. Will save you hundred$ of dollars.

  11. I don't know about the latitudes....but the cross ter's are more then plenty quiet and smooth for me, and last for probably 80k miles, assuming you keep things aligned and rotated properly. For the prices of Michelins...the longer they last, the cheaper they are!

  12. Fellas, getting a little touchy here on this topic. The name calling, and such, isn't really our way around here, don't cha' think?

    As far as an airbag in your car: it's your call, it's your car, it's your responsibility to not only yourself, but your passenger too "if you take that one out too". I for one, don't know how a car that was equiped with an airbag to start with, can clear state safety inspections without one now? But, that's my thing. I've had them go off in my face, and aside from a slight chemical burn and a busted pair of sunglasses, I was thankful I had it, given the other option of eating a wood steering wheel and even worse neck/back/collar bone damage. Me? I'll take all the freakin' airbags I can get! Our old Mazda 3 "which wouldn't pass US safety standards without them", would practically turn into a raft, it had so many airbags.

    Motorcycles: Some states require a helmet as LAW. Some don't. I've riden lots, and the last time I rode one, in NE Oklahoma in 2006, I came within 2 inches of "lights out" when I misjudged the exit bank of a country road turn and pushed too far out. That was the last time I'll ever be on one. You don't get a "do over" on a bike.

    But, at the end of the day....it's your call what you want to do with your life, and so forth....

  13. I've decided against this idea. After the weekend, having some time to sit still and think for a few minutes outside of the office, it just doesn't make sense to do this. I've got two very nice cars, that I know I can depend on, and cover all the bases for what I need out of a car. I just can't justify letting the GS go. Not with less then 60k miles, and only needs the normal routine maintenance of a brake job and a slight tune up from sitting for most of it's life. Age is it's enemy, not wear and tear. Who knows what i'd end up with in BMW'ville. My GS came to the market due to the current economic conditions, the previous owner couldn't afford it anymore. I doubt a high mileage BMW would have the same backstory to it. And if I decided that I didn't like it, and already had the more expensive GX in the garage (and on the books), i'd be worse off financially, because i'd have to replace the bmw with what I would assume would be a more expesive car, because I doubt I'd go back into the sub 10k$ again. So, if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Got no problems with my set up now, both mechanically, functionally, and financially. No need to change up the line up.

  14. The other option in my thinking is to keep the GS for a lot longer. Originally purchased to be the "chicago" car, which was to be dumped upon our exit from the area in a couple of years, now with such low mileage being put on it, I could simply keep it with the thinking of not dumping it when we leave. It doesn't even have 60k miles on it, and when the glorious day comes for us to head back south, it'll probalby barely have 70k miles. I must admit, it's held up pretty well up here, especially given the fact that it's 8 years old now. The only sign of the winters is some rust on a metal strip along the underside of the rear spoiler, that's it. Oh, and the stabilizer bars look like hell. If I go the BMW route, it's pretty much a given that I'll have to replace it in a couple of years, which could erase the financial benefit of the plan. I'd have a higher payment on the GX in place, and looking to buy another car.

    I think I'll just sit tight for a bit and see what unfolds, see how I manage with the GS over the winter. Oh, and just in case if you forgot how much I love chitcago (that "t" isn't a typo), it's going to freakin' SNOW this weekend!!! DAMN :chairshot: !Removed! :chairshot: DAMNIT TO :censored: :chairshot:

  15. Thanks guys, I'm seriously considering doing this. The only problem, is my wife isn't a car nut like I am, and says she doesn't want to replace the 4runner. I can't blame her, as it's been down-right flawless. But, she hasn't been inside of a GX470 either. The only way I'd do this, is if the 4runner gets upgraded, because there are times when I'll need a big-boy businessman vehicle, which the GS430 serves quite well. A 325xi won't fit that bill, as it's too small.

    Smooth, my approach is really more bang for the buck, and AWD. I know the GS is going to be a hassle at times this winter, even with the "snow" option activated. And I'm not going to put nobbies on it either, that just bugs me. I'd rather replace the car, then spend the next 6 months driving around with Mickey Thompsons on a Lexus.

    When I was searching for a replacement vehicle for my wife's Honda Civic (ended up to be the Mazda), we were seriously considering a 3 series. I remember talking to a few people at gas stations and parking lots that had them, asking them how they liked theirs and if problems were an issue. Everyone said they loved theirs, had no major problems, and all were in the 100k+ mileage area. One guy had a 330xi with over 300k miles on it! And said it's the best car he's ever owned. They're basically the European Honda Civics, from what I can gather. Top Gear said the same thing. So if I found one with about 80k miles, had it checked out by a pro mechanic (there is a german shop two blocks from my house called Gearhead http://www.gearhead-autorepair.com/ that everyone raves about in town), then I'd be ok with it. Considering the mileage that's going to be put on it, I'm not too worried about wear and tear from me. At this rate, I'll be changing the oil in the Lexus once a year!

    RX: I don't have the time to do anything these days! :lol: I've got about $900 worth of new parts for the Lexus sitting in my garage, that I ordered back in July (brakes, ball joints, plugs, pads, ball joints, fan belt) that I just can't find the time to get to. Our 3 year plan still exists, pending the economy will allow it. But, probably won't be NC anymore, thanks to Charlotte being wiped out by all of this. We're looking at Atlanta instead. But, if my company decides to go back to the east coast, which I'm 90% positive they will, then I'm the logical pick to run it. But, rumor has it, they'd like NYC or DC. NYC is a no-way in hell option. DC would be tough too, but it depends on the salary bump, which will have to increase dramatically for us to agree to it. For some reason, they're just fans of the southeast. Funny, considering everyone BUT us has a dedicated office in Atlanta. I was in Raleigh last Wednesday to inspect one of our assets downtown. I had dinner with some folks, and all I can say is the pieces to puzzle to execute the 3 year plan, are in play. The questions that remain is where, and the economy. Commercial Real Estate is being chatted up as the next shoe to drop. I don't believe the news reports at all, but I do think it'll take a hit, but not like what these "expert" idiots are saying everywhere. Too many lessons learned in the early 90's, too many tools put into place back then, for the industry to faulter like that again. Heck, we're two years into this recession, and it remains healthy, the only healthy sector left actually. Indications from the past few months on the bond markets certainly suggest a strong belief in the sector from investors, given the billions of dollars raised by the REITS via unsecured bond offerings, and coupons lower than mortgage rates. They put the offering out there, and investors snap it up faster than a Taco Bell drive-thru.

    So...we'll see what happens, on all fronts. First thing, is getting the wife to check out a GX470 and get on board with this.

  16. Ok, since buying my 01 GS back in March, I've driven it a grand total of 2,383 miles (approx 59k on the clock). However, the 4runner is quickly approaching 80k on the clock. I'm thinking of making some shifts in my garage inventory.....

    Since I don't drive my car nearly as much anymore, at all, I'm a little tempted to tryout some other types of cars that normally I was a little to affraid to take on, BMW and MB. And, seeing as how I do a 10 mile lap from home-office-home 5 days a week only, I'm thinking I'm overpaying for that service with the GS. I'm thinking of ditching the GS for a higher mileage 325xi, and then trading the 4runner up to a 05-06 GX470. All-in, would save about $1,000-$1,500 a year. I'd simply hand the keys to the GS and about $5,000 over for the keys to a 03-04 325xi with about 80k miles. Hand the keys to the 4runner and about $21-$22k for a 05' GX470 with about 50k miles. I'm seeing them list for about $28k around here. Probably $3k equity in the GS, probably $4k in the 4runner, which would pencil the GX at about $26k, all-in. We bought the 4runner at 52k miles, and it's been perfect. I can only imagine the same results on a GX, since so much of the two share components.

    I've always wanted to try a BMW, and seeing as how I'm not all that dependant on a car these days, I not all that picky if something rattles or wiggles. Up here, everything rattles and wiggles on these roads! So, whatcha' think?

  17. LOL... you get so fired up!

    Hahhaaa!!! Yeah, guilty as charged, I can't really argue with that! I'm trying to cool my jets more these days though! Hey, at least I'm not ranting about Iran and all of that stuff anymore!! Making some progress! :lol:

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