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Everything posted by spacecraft

  1. No connections between the two, obviously. Aside from the fact that I can't find any evidence of both in the maintenance schedule. In all other cars I owned, a periodic check of valves clearance and the replacement of the fuel filter was always mentioned. Am I missing something in the manuals, or for some reason the 3.3 engine doesn't require these jobs? Thanks in advance!
  2. I see your point, and I wasn't holding my breath on the useability of EV mode for some time, on the old RX. But in a few specific occasions, I'd like to have a way to restrict the car from turning the ICE on, like when parking in my garage, where due to its layout it's more practical to enter in reverse, and the ICE exhaust can be a bit annoying. Or when entering the house at late night and wishing to be as silent as possible. Anyway, I guess that since an EV mode trick would be of very limited use, there is not much interest to even try. Which is a bit of a pity, 'cause I don't think it should be too hard for a car electronics wizard...
  3. Is anyone aware of a trick for forcing EV mode on the RX400h, maybe through the ODB port, or whatever? I guess the risk is to flatten the battery bank, but it shouldn't be a problem to keep an eye on the charging status, and use such feature with a pinch of salt...
  4. Sounds like a good idea - makes one wonder why they didn't do that at the factory, to start with.... Does anyone know the part # of the rear magnetic plug, or where I could look for that?
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