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  • Lexus Model
    1991 ls400

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  1. so i went out to my car after i got some food and my key wouldnt go all the way in the lock, it will go about 90% of the way in but then it stops. There has always been a little more resistance that last little ways but im not sure if the lock just finally gave in or if one of the people that was there could have stuck something in the lock. anyway my real ? is, is there a way to take the actual lock apart to fix it or would this cost me some money.
  2. ya i tried JB weld twice and both times it seemed to work fine for like a week then all the sudden it would pop off...now im going to just have to try and get it repaired.
  3. wondering if anyone can help me, my front brakes are not releasing properly so they have quite a bit of pressure on the rotor when i let off the brake and they are getting extremely hot...not sure exactly what needs to be done to get them to start releasing but until I can fix them or take them in to get fixed (which i would obviously prefer not to) my car is undrivable :cries: -thanx
  4. not sure how the cut got there, its not so much a cut as it is a crease that split open, looks like it is from something heavy getting jammed in there. Im not totally sure how it happened since I am not the one who did it but it makes trips really hard cause i can only hold about 10gallons or else it will leak...as far as the junk yard goes im not sure where i could find one of these cars around here in a junk yard considering they arent exactly a very common car. I did get in contact with taprecycling and they said that they couldnt ship a gas tank.
  5. wondering if anyone could help me out, my gas tank has a cut in it and patches havnt worked. dont know if I would have to replace the whole thing or if there is a way some place could fix it for me. trying to figure out how much all of this would cost -thanx
  6. sorry to say I dont know how to help just wanted to mention that the exact thing has happened on my car just a week or so ago.
  7. sure...it may be a few days though my dad is out of town with the digital camera right now. just so you know iv had the grill kit since christmas and its starting to get really beaten up, the chrome is just plastic paint or whatever and its coming off and the adhesive is really weak (watch out for carwashes with it) and i ended up having to use hot glue. It does look good from a distance though. As for my edges of the kit go (mine is just plastic strips i got from ebay which are pretty much a bunch of the chrome trim pieces you can find at an autoparts store to go on door edges and stuff) I had to cut all the pieces down myself and it was a pain trying to measure them out, but by no means are my edges perfect.
  8. Here is my cardomain site where i have a picture of my led running lights that I got a while ago, I definitly like the way that they look on my car especially at night. The lights I used are "PIAA Deno 1", I got a really good deal on ebay for them and they fit perfectly in the lower grill. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/746754
  9. so recently when im coming to a stop somewhat quickly and I go over a pot hole or something it feels almost like the brakes are going out on me for a second. Im really not sure why this happens all I know is that it scared the crap outta me the other day when I almost rear ended a semi because of it. Also i dont know if this has something to do with it but when im in park or whatever and i play with the brake pedal I can hear a squeaking noise coming from my left front brake, I know I need to get my brakes checked its just wierd cause other than the noise and the pothole thing the brakes work great.
  10. Im looking for the cheapest way to make a dual exhaust for my 91 ls400, just looking for something cheap, basic and if all possible DIY. (heard some kid today say that he made an exhaust in his car with 2" conduit)
  11. Please forgive me for my lack of knowledge about aftermarket stereos but i am looking into fixing up my stereo and need some help. I plan to get an amp (hook it up to both my sub and speakers), get new speakers, and get a new head unit. I read on lexls.com that when u install a aftermarket wire harness you lose your subwoofer...im really not familiar with this so if someone could please explain to me how you would get your subwoofer to work. Also im wondering what i would have to do to wire up the speakers to an amp. Finally my last question is if this method i looked into would work...if i get a 4-channel amp and run the 2 left speakers in series to the front left channel, then run the 2 right speakers in series to the front right channel, could i then run the sub (bridged?) out the back 2 channels. Once again forgive me for my lack of knowledge if im not making any sense at all please tell me.
  12. The 1st gen grilles are black plastic. There isn't any chrome underneath it. If you like chrome grilles, i suggest you go with the Trenz Polished Billet Grille: ← I actually have a question about those grills...how hard is it to cut out the inner grill to install those kits?
  13. As far as the led situation goes check here they have almost any size/color you could possibly need. http://www.superbrightleds.com/
  14. Thanx, ya now that I see those eyelids on the car im not so sure I like them. The grill on the otherhand doesnt look too bad and im sure its a lot better quality than the $20 p.o.s. crome strips that I have now.
  15. Just wondering if anyone has bought or seen either of these on a 1st gen. ls400 and if so how do they look (pics). Eyelids- http://luxurymods.com/ProductDetail.php?Ca...D=1037&fid=1002 Grill- http://luxurymods.com/ProductDetail.php?Ca...ID=953&fid=1002
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