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Everything posted by Simboo

  1. Same happened to me. At first it sounded like the starter solenoid had gone bye bye, but it was a dead battery afterall. Also, I have HID headlights and when switched on, only one of the 2 would fire up. Simon
  2. Thanks for the replies, I didn't get it done because the dealer said the car was out of warranty and they couldn't care less about it (he did not say it that way but that was the gist of it). i just have to clean the car more often, which is not a big deal for now. I'm lucky enough not to have any breathing problem so far. thanks for the answers guys! simon
  3. Ok here are my results: first of all, thanks Lemon and Messerchmidt for your inputs. I didn't import those fancy wiper blades, I wanted to give a shot at my good ol' Canadian tire store first. I ended up trying the new (then) reflex hybrids and they worked like a charm all winter. I can't recall if they are Michelin's brand or not (like Messerchmidt mentioned) but I definitely paid more than 8$/blade, probably around 20$/piece. Good to know that Costco has them. I had to shake them up once in a while to remove the extra ice but I would've done that with all of them anyway. So from now on, I'll stick to those reflex hybrids. Iana: I didn't change my rear wiper blade. I was looking for something like those new Volkswagen and Volvo rear wiper blades (like the picture). They are bracketless so I suppose they tend to work better in the winter. I haven't spent much time looking for a compatible blade for our RX. That's a future project for me. Cheers to all! Simon
  4. Allright, I'll give the new hybrids a shot and report back thanks for your input! Simon
  5. Hey all winter drivers out there, I bought some new "armorall" winter wiper blades hoping they would do great on the my RX this winter but they just suck. Tips get full of ice, middle section has no pressure on the wiper and miss spots, arm clips will lift once in a while... just plain junk I didn't want to use the OEM blades because they get clogged with snow/ice in winter in the metal brackets, as you probably know. So before I go back to the store to buy new ones, what do you guys use? What do you recommend? have you been lucky with a particular brand more than another? I know some brand will do better with bigger wind shields than some others but before shelling 40$ for wiper blades, I'd like your input on that. you should avoid armoralls on your RX, trust me. and btw: is there any kind of rear wiper blades that will work in the winter??? Thanks! Simon
  6. Well, after reading other threads about the same problem. It seemed to be the evaporator core... For them, it was replaced under warranty and they had to remove the dash in order to reach the part. After the "faulty" part was changed, they either had: - paid a lot for this - the same problem afterwards - dents in their dash - bad dash alignment - bad dealer experiences about this issue Thinking about it... I'm just gonna live with it and clean my dash on a regular basis. There's no way I'm going to pay big bucks to end up like those guys. Thanks for your advices guys
  7. Allright! I'm just wondering what's gonna happen. My RX is second hand and is beyond warranty period. I'll report back. Thanks for the quick answers
  8. Hey everyone, Anybody experienced the white dust on the dash board like this picture? I've heard stories about Hondas and white dust but not Toyota/Lexus. Could it be the cabin air filter? I have a 2007 RX350 Thanks for your help!
  9. Yeah, i'd go with that too, why would it be different from the windshield fluid? same purpose, right?
  10. Thanks for the info. It worked like a charm. Once the DVD is installed, the software installation took less than 1 minute (from version 8.1 to 9.1), As soon as I saw the map back on the screen, I was good to go. Next update, I'll buy the DVD on ebay and do it myself! Thanks!
  11. Can't say if it's totally legal or not but you may want to look into this thread: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=60377&view=findpost&p=391404&hl=navigation%20dvd&fromsearch=1 You can't install it by the dash dvd player, it's the other on hidden in the back, under the tray on the right hand side behind the rear seats...
  12. Hey to all, I finally bought my first new (used) Lexus! I just want to say hi to everyone here!! i'm glad to be part of the team. Talk to you soon! simboo
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