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Reprogramming Stolen Remote


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I recently had my 2001 ES300 keys stolen by a group who later went on to rob somebody's house with another set of keys they had stolen. Re-keying the locks will be around $3000 but the next best things seems to be disabling the remote so someone can't go trolling through the parking lot waiting for a beep. I am aware there is a way to program new remotes to work with the same code. Is there a way to reprogram the system and the current remote so the stolen one no longer works?

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for the benefit of future forum readers, and despite denials from nearly every lexus service department in PA, it IS possible to reprogram both the door computer and the engine immobilizer to no longer respond to a stolen key. For anyone who is interested, the one service department who would do this rather than asserting that we must spend $1500+ to replace both computers was Thompson Lexus near Philadelphia. While this is quite a drive from where we live, it's well worth the $1480+ we will save. I hope it is the case that the other service departments we talked to are just incompetent rather than malicious. Either way, however, it reflects poorly on them. Motorworld Lexus was of particularly no help whatsoever.

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