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Where To Buy Oem Parts For 2000 Lex Rx 300 For Timing Belt Replacement


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Where should I buy parts for a 2000 Lexus Rx 300 for timing belt replacement. If I buy the parts from a Toyota dealer will I get OEM parts for Lexus or are those just Toyota parts that are compatible with their Lexus brand? I looked in Ebay see link below, it says OEM parts some are listed as Toyota and some are not....now I'm not sure what to look for to ensure that I'm putting in OEM parts. Please take a look at the ebay link http://www.ebay.com/itm/230863099307?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649. What are the brand that I should look for.Thanks.

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To be honest as the timing belt and parts are crucial to the car then i would stick with Toyota OEM.. i know its expensive but if aftermarket stuff fails then expect huge bills.

I know this doesnt answer your question but may save you a packet later on

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