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Passed Smog - Here's How I Prepped


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I folllowed up on several of the tips mentioned here to prepare for the smog test and what a difference that made. Thanks everyone. Last year, the car nearly failed HCs (it measured 54 and the limit was 56). This year? HCs were at 13. The other measurements were equally clean. The shop where I had this done said the car was running very very clean. It's a huge relief.

Here's what I did to prepare:

-12 oz bottle of Chevron Techron Fuel System Cleaner concentrate mixed with 12 gallons of premium gas (Shell)...

-per SRK's instructions, put it in second and ran it on the freeway 3K to 4K RPM for a good 2o minutes with the Techron treated gas still in the tank...used up all the techron treated gas (until the reserve light came on)

-filled with another 1/2 tank of gas (no Techron this time) and ran through most of that, including another "Italian tuneup' on the freeway for 20 minutes...

-changed the oil twice...once at end of December, and another the day before the test...in part because I read it's a good idea to change the oil as soon after using fuel system cleaner as possible). and I also wanted to switch out and use an OEM oil filter...

-wiped out the interior of the tailpipes...

-installed new air fiilter (OEM) a day before the test...

-filledl up with gas (again) so as to go in with a nearly full tank (takes less time to pressurize it for the evap test)...

-warmed up the car the day of the test by taking another freeway drive for a good 30 to 40 minutes, some of it also in second gear, then off the exit and a few blocks to the smog test stsation. no cars in front of me, so they started the test without turning the car off. whoo hoo. we were done iin less than 20 minutes.

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Given the last test results,I was convinced it was going to fail this time. And it probably would have but for the tips I got here. Can't thank everyone enough. I could not do everything everyone suggested, but the Techron, blowing out the cats, oil and air filter change, and a thorough engine warmup just before the test got me through. Whew. Now I can deal with the other maintenance items at myown pace, without the state breathing down my neck...

glad to hear it, good for another two years....

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That's the first time I have ever driven that car over 30 in second gear. By the second try, I was starting to feel like Danica Patrick. So on the second go, I rolled off the freeway, feeling pretty proud of myself, and apparently it showed, because I caught the eye of the fuzz, (that's what we called them in high schoo). Within minutes he was right behind me, probably running my plates. I am up to date on parking tickets, and I have no warrants out for my arrest (at least to my knowledge...though I never know what the 'ex' might get up to on any given day), so I said to myself, "Go ahead, fire up your little onboard computer, Buddy. " LOL.

You really went to town on the Italian tune-up! That contributed a lot to your test results. Well done and congrats!

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LOL! You must be my age - late 50's - because I called them the "Fuzz" when I was in high school too! Now I call them things the moderators wouldn't like......

My yellow Z0-6 sure gets their attention and to date I haven't got three gears in succession at full power 'cause around here they impound your car for racing.

Glad you had fun!

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