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Mandatory Snow Tires In Canada


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Just got back from my local tire dealer because I was inquiring about snow tires.

He said that I had better hurry because Canada just mandated snows on all cars from

November to March and that demand was depleting tires from the states.

I am not sure if he meant all of Canada or just certain areas.

Wonder if he was just giving me a "snow" job? ;)

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He's putting you on. Us Canadians put on snows when we feel like, not because the government says so. Mind you, if we get in an accident and snow tires were advised, the insurance and liability stuff gets messy.

November to March we are allowed to run studded tires, but not outside of those months.

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A lot of !Removed!. I live in the Maritimes and we all use winter tires if we are sensible. I know some who use the all seasons but we are used to so much snow we know what is coming. I know a lot of garages who deal in tires and they never run out of tires. I know that in Ontario, they are not used to such snow and last year while I was driving through, I saw a lot of cars go into the ditch. I am sure that they are all good drivers and the only reason could be their tires.

If you get a lot of snow it is of course better to use winter tires.

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