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Gs400 Power Set Presetting Button?

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Power seats move fine but if I press the 1 or 2 to activate the preset settings I get nothing. I looked at the fuse manual and it looks like there are 3 possible fuses it could be. 2 of which are on the door panel, so before I opened them both up I was wondering if anyone knew what fuse these two buttons were on.


PS. Steering tilt works fine so I think I can eliminate the joint fuse one.

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i dunno but let me ask you a kinda dumb ?..........when you hit these are you in drive or park with your foot on the brake? i know it wont let you do this when your in drive at all (safety first) :P and i also think you cant while foot is on brake in park! so if you have never paid attention make sure your in park and try it there......if not i think i have a pdf on this stored on my home comp and when i get home i will send it if i can find it!


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"i dunno but let me ask you a kinda dumb ?..........when you hit these are you in drive or park with your foot on the brake? i know it wont let you do this when your in drive at all (safety first) and i also think you cant while foot is on brake in park! so if you have never paid attention make sure your in park and try it there......if not i think i have a pdf on this stored on my home comp and when i get home i will send it if i can find it!


I am well aware of this. The buttons simply do not work. Would love to know what fuse they are on or how I could go about fixing this issue. Thanks for the replies.

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Alright guys. I have owned the car since it was born. I know how to hold down set and unset the buttons. I know all the little tricks like the wind shield wiper settings all the windows down at the same time and many many more. If no one can tell me the fuse its on then I will just have to break down and roll into the lexus dealership.

Thanks for your responses.

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