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2005 - Rx330


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Just picked up a 2005 RX330. Dealer says I should use premium gas, manual says regular is fine.

Can you guys give your feedback? Gas is so darn expensive, I don't want waste money if the car does not need premium but don't mind buying it if needed.


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Just picked up a 2005 RX330. Dealer says I should use premium gas, manual says regular is fine.

Can you guys give your feedback? Gas is so darn expensive, I don't want waste money if the car does not need premium but don't mind buying it if needed.


I also drive a 2005 330 and I believe that the owner's manual allows fuel with an octane rating down to 89. Check your manual - I would trust that over the dealer. That said, I have used regular 89 octane after the first 1000 miles. The car runs like a top! Most new cars have a knock sensor that slightly detunes the engine in the event that knocking occurs. I have never hear any knocking; never noticed any reduced performance; never had any ill effects from regular.

I believe that one of the main reasons that premium is suggested is during the horsepower wars used during ad campaigns. If I were to take a trip to Colorado or Montana I would use premium.


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