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'92 SC400

Stock everything


I won't say I'm extremely familiar with Lexus parts and everything. I'm in no way mechanically inclined, so some automotive terminology is foreign. Anyways, I have quite a few questions and problems concerning my SC400, looking for the cheapest (yet reliable) solutions.


For a while now, whenever I apply brakes (whether its at 20mph, 80mph, or whatever), the car shudders. And not just a light shuddering, I mean it's at the point to where it's almost violent shaking. When I apply the handbrake, the shaking is much less. Using the handbrake by itself doesn't result in any (or much) shaking at all, but I'm reluctant to become dependent on using my handbrake as my primary source of stopping. I saw on CL today someone else had a very similar problem and others thought it was his rotors. But good rotors are $$$ 95% chance I'll take it to Just Tires down the road and have them diagnose it. My mechanic tried and couldn't figure it out either. Oh, and I bled all the brakes about a month ago.

Speedo/Climate Burnt

Like a lot of other older model Lexus's, my speedometer needle is burned out, as well as the end of my fuel gauge and temp. I've heard great things from Lextech, but again, still a bit of money. Climate control is burnt around the bottom, too.

Leather tearing

Driver side seat is ripping. Both passenger and driver seats are creasing as well. I've only seen maybe 1 remedy for this, which is an $80 leather seat cover for the SC. Sorry, but $80 for a cover? I'd probably be a lot better off just getting those Supra seats despite the fact that I've heard they sit real low. Even still, $$$


My headlights have been foggy as hell until recently, which I used toothpaste and paint thinner to clean the outside part of the lenses. They look really nice, but I've been meaning to get into the inside of the headlight and buff that headlight lens. I read OneLastTry's write-up on CL, but again, some things seemed a little vague for me, even with pictures. Did he really just place the whole headlamp in the oven for a few minutes? I would've thought you'd need something to put it on like a metal sheet with newspaper under it, especially so it wouldn't leave marks from the rack in the oven. I plan on doing this some time soon when I have time off. Anyone ever heard of any horror stories about taking the headlamps apart? Any suggestions or tips when doing this would be greatly appreciated.

I also wanted somebody's opinion on low-beam (9006) headlight bulbs. Wanted some 4100k-5000k color and definitely brighter than the stock bulbs and was wondering if there was a specific brand or type which performed the best during night driving.

Floor mat(s)

Been lookin for a passenger side floor mat and maybe some backseat floor mats as well. Coffee stains on the back 2 when I bought the SC and the passenger mat is just wrinkled and ugly. Think it would be cheaper just to find some lame mats locally? Gazi ali maybe?

Whistling noise

Not sure if this cold weather is the cause, but I've heard a whistling noise coming from my engine bay off and on for the past month or so. If the car starts up with it, you'll hear it faintly when you idle before the car warms up and again as soon as you park to cut it off. If the car doesn't start up with it, you won't hear it at all for that trip. I got curious and had someone stand next to the bay with the hood up, who seems to think one of the pulleys is going dull. When you rev, the noise grows higher in pitch.


The rubber/plastic? lip on the front bumper was torn when I bought it so I never really minded it too much. I've heard they go for like $300.. really? Salvage yards might sell it for a lot less? I was thinking they would go for like $25, =\


Airbag light's been killing me for the past few years. Quick fix without consulting the stealership?

I'm a bit more worried about the brakes and the pulley and/or timing belt rather than the other things. No need to slam me for my dumb questions, but I guess we all need to start somewhere, haha.


i'll answer you since no one else has ... i have the same car as you. i love it. take care of it and it will take care of you. i'm no mechanic and i've been able to do a lot of things pretty easily. it's really well made. parts fit together and you won't find rust or corrosion.

We all seem the have the same problems -

The headlights you figured out.

The instrument cluster and climate control can be replaced/fixed by lextech. i just did my instrument cluster and they did the work within a week.

The dealer does almost everything. they will treat like like a king. the lexus dealer is actually cheaper than the toyota or honda dealer. go figure.

If you're thinking about improving performance - i wouldn't recommend a cold air intake. i got a rod millen CAI and there wasn't much of a difference. Not $300 worth. You're probably better off with a BFI.

I put in a "better" torque converter - rebuilt or whatever by lextreme and i'm very happy with it.

This forum is very helpful. i get a lot of information out of it. if you ask a question that's available elsewhere in the forum - prepare to be ignored.

You've got a great car. i can't think of a way that it could be improved - really.

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