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Just Drove An Ls460 And An Es350 Back To Back


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Secondly, I want to comment on the fact that it seems like our favorite forum management member, SW, has changed his ways. Previously, when someone called him out on something or merely stated that his opinions are very "all about me (and how good my car is)-ish" he exploded with a lengthy, somewhat inaccurate dissertation about he how he always is and will be right. I found it very refreshing that when Zee called him a broken record he responded with an apology.


To read the posts in the various Lexus internet forums, one would think that this particular Lexus model is a failure; it does not meet the luxurious standards of previous Lexus models, has serious mechanical defects and has a presence that pales in comparison to others in its class. IMO, this thinking is bunk and uninformed.

You can't take the things you read on an internet forum as being indicitive of the experiences of a population as a whole, its not an adequate sample to do that. People generally come to forums to rant or to rave about something, so the opinions are shifted one direction or another. The ES350 is a great car that is selling very well. It had some early model run foibles but my guess is they're beyond that now. I and others have some legitimate grievances with some design directions the designers took with the car, but thats a question of taste.

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What I have learned through my experience is that like courses for horses, there are specific cars for individual people. All of this hooey about the so-called deficiencies that the ES350 displays is nonsense. The ES350 is what it is and for me at least, I find the car visually beautiful, elegantly appointed and the smoothest ride I have ever had in a car. Regarding its power, it is quick enough accelerating and cruising to make the MPG attained a thing to be envied by every other car on the road.

One last thing about wood in the enterior, coming from the M45 with its forest of wood directly in the line of sight to the classic look of the ES cockpit, I find the ES view much classier.

If the ES350 does not please or fit you, sell it and get something else. The choices are endless.

I think you just proved me & SW's point. There are specific cars for individual people. That is why individual people log on to forums to discuss specific cars and how these cars do and do not meet their standards. If you read the posts in this thread, you may find that the original poster is contemplating the purchase of an ES350/LS460 so that is why he is critiquing it. He wants to see if others agree (which they do or in your case do not) to further pinpoint is criteria when purchasing his next vehicle. Also, might I ask approximately how old you are? I think you are very tech saavy considering you drive cars like the M45 and ES350 and utilize their technological goodies (not to mention you are also on this site posting as a member).

Yeah, well I know folks that think having gold teeth is pretty luxurious too. People do all kinds of gaudy/ugly things to show off their money.

More is not always better.

Really, and I guess that is why your ES350 has 19-20 inch rims which is at least 2 inches more than stock. Not to mention these rims are chrome and have a flashy look to them. You are absolutely right when you say people do all kinds of gaudy/ugly things to show off their money. I suppose you know that because you yourself characterize one of those people to a high extent. More is not always better; so I guess that is why you spent extra money to have larger and shinier rims for your vehicle.

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Really, and I guess that is why your ES350 has 19-20 inch rims which is at least 2 inches more than stock. Not to mention these rims are chrome and have a flashy look to them.

First off, I didn't say flashy, I said gaudy. Maybe you should look those up in the dictionary.

If you're saying that, by default, chrome wheels larger than stock are somehow gaudy, well I guess you're entitled to have that opinion, but I disagree.


I suppose you know that because you yourself characterize one of those people to a high extent

Are you a Wayans brother? Because that line looks like something from that skit on Living Color where the black guy in prison is using words he doesn't quite understand trying to sound sophisticated.

If you're unfamiliar with my reference to Living Color, ask mommy as she might know.

If you're going to GET smart, you should actually BE smart.

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Really, and I guess that is why your ES350 has 19-20 inch rims which is at least 2 inches more than stock. Not to mention these rims are chrome and have a flashy look to them.

First off, I didn't say flashy, I said gaudy. Maybe you should look those up in the dictionary.

If you're saying that, by default, chrome wheels larger than stock are somehow gaudy, well I guess you're entitled to have that opinion, but I disagree.


I suppose you know that because you yourself characterize one of those people to a high extent

Are you a Wayans brother? Because that line looks like something from that skit on Living Color where the black guy in prison is using words he doesn't quite understand trying to sound sophisticated.

If you're unfamiliar with my reference to Living Color, ask mommy as she might know.

If you're going to GET smart, you should actually BE smart.

Please share with us the size of your rims, maybe it is just me, but from your avatar those rims are definitely bigger than 17 inches. My point is that having large rims that are flashy and gaudy (gaudy is more cacophonous between the two synonyms) is similar to having a modest amount of wood trim in your car as far as showing wealth/having luxurious things. I mean you said more is not always better but your rims are bigger and shinier than the stock ones for the ES. That seems contradictory to me, but I guess you think otherwise.

Do you know anything about the English language at all? Why are you trying to correct people when you are misinformed? If you think that "I suppose you know that because you yourself characterize one of those people to a high extent" does not make sense, then you need to relearn English. Lay some foundation before you attack and criticize, because in this case you are wrong.

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Lexuus, in response to your question, I was born in 1931. Although old , I am till kicking, enjoy driving my Lexus and read the spirited and informative comments posted in this forum with great interest..

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Please share with us the size of your rims, maybe it is just me, but from your avatar those rims are definitely bigger than 17 inches. My point is that having large rims that are flashy and gaudy (gaudy is more cacophonous between the two synonyms) is similar to having a modest amount of wood trim in your car as far as showing wealth/having luxurious things. I mean you said more is not always better but your rims are bigger and shinier than the stock ones for the ES. That seems contradictory to me, but I guess you think otherwise.

Do you know anything about the English language at all? Why are you trying to correct people when you are misinformed? If you think that "I suppose you know that because you yourself characterize one of those people to a high extent" does not make sense, then you need to relearn English. Lay some foundation before you attack and criticize, because in this case you are wrong.

I said gaudy, and you watered that down to "flashy" in order to expand the scope of the discussion in an attempt to include my wheels.

My opinion is that the current ES does have a modest amount of wood in it. You think wood all over the dash makes a car more luxurious. I don't.

The fact that we've never met or spoken, yet you believe you can sum me up in one poorly-written sentence based on looking at my avatar is ludicrous.

Where is that ignore button when you need it...

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Lexuus, in response to your question, I was born in 1931. Although old , I am till kicking, enjoy driving my Lexus and read the spirited and informative comments posted in this forum with great interest..

You win the award for oldest tech saavy browser on this forum (and quite possibly this country also).

The fact that we've never met or spoken, yet you believe you can sum me up in one poorly-written sentence based on looking at my avatar is ludicrous.

Wow, is this the same person calling my sentences poorly-written? I think you should win the award for the poster who writes contradictory statements with incorrect syntax.

I'm glad you think of yourself as a pretty girl, it must be great for your self-esteem as a male.

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