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Slot And Drilled Rotors?


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I upgraded my '94 to slotted/drilled rotors from Irotors last August and they've been great. I'm not sure how much improvement they are over stock, because I put performance pads on. As a complete installation I'm very pleased with them. The car does pull down from highway speeds with much more alacrity than stock. They've saved my bacon a couple of times.

How many miles have you put on yours? If not many, save testing them until they're fully bedded in. That'll take a few hundred miles. You'll thank yourself later for doing that. That goes for OEM brakes too. Don't listen to people who say to put the new brakes on and go out and stand on them to break them in. I've actually tried that and IT DOES NOT WORK! You'll end up with blue rotors and glazed pads!

Hope this helps!

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