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Steering Getting Stiff?


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:wacko: Hi All - Is it my imagination, or is my car getting harder to steer? Today, I tested it out by leaving the wheel free for a few seconds and the car definitely is moving to the left. Do I need to have the wheels balanced, or is it caused by something more serious? Through the steering wheel, definitely feels like the steering is 'stiffening' a bit. It's due for a 70K checkup, and I was also told I had a power steering leak about six months ago. I check the steering fluid every two weeks, and I've hardly lost ANY power steering fluid (and they quoted me $1,000 to fix that). I don't need to fix that yet, because if it's leaking, it's by drops. But, I did notice that the engine coolant is low. The car is not heating up at all, and obviously I need to get that checked. Have never noticed that before. Would that have anything to do with the stiffness I'm noticing? Or is it more likely to be need for wheel balancing? Other ideas for what could be causing the change in the way the car is handling/turning, etc. Thanks in advance!!
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If a car pulls one way or another - then it's usually alignment. This will run you around $80 for a 4 wheel align....

If the car/ steering wheel shakes or rumbles - then that is wheel balance.

Before you pay anything, though: check your tire pressure (32-34 psi) on all 4 tires. Sometimes a car can (and will) pull in the direction of the low tire.......

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I second everything Agent said

remember the power steering resevoir is VERY sensitive to fluid levels...just a half an inch below the line will upset the steering.... and cause it to either be harder to turn or make a growning sound

i would definatley get that checked out, or if you are a Diyer check it out yourself.......make sure the fluid isn't dripping on the Alternator, as it will fry it out over time

good luck

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:cries: Sorry but I went through the same thing on my 85,000 mile LS.

After much dealer BS etc, i found out it was called RADIAL PULL and was the tire's fault! Replaced front tires and the car suns true and firm. (This is after I checked the front end, power steering and other sundry items!)

You might just check with Goodyear or whomever's tires you have before you do anything else?

Good Luck and let me know if my humble offering is of any value!

Ron Johnson


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mine pulls in BOTH directions (i have an ES250 tho), depending on which direction the last turn i made was...its a B**** fighting with it @ freeway speeds. mineis due to a worn steerig rack (i did not know these could wear). or at least thats what the spee dee lube guy said. i havent even had it checked out cause since i dont get on the freeway that much it isnt an sisue.

it clears up at 80 MPH, but between 60 and 80, it is a PITA to keep it straight. its either pulling one way or the other.

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Oh yea.........

Your tires could finally have enough wear in them that they cause the pull.  That just happened on our 02 Sequoia.  The alignment didn't help - a tire had an interior belt come loose and was causing the problem....

Tires have interior belts that can come LOOSE? These tire are fairly new, so I doubt that would be causing this...

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:cries: Sorry but I went through the same thing on my 85,000 mile LS.

After much dealer BS etc, i found out it was called RADIAL PULL and was the tire's fault!  Replaced front tires and the car suns true and firm.  (This is after I checked the front end, power steering and other sundry items!)

You might just check with Goodyear or whomever's tires you have before you do anything else?

Good Luck and let me know if my humble offering is of any value!

Ron Johnson


Hi -- Thanks for the suggestions. I got these Goodyears from Tire Track (I think it was called) and never noticed any problems for a good 7 months or however old they are, until just recently. For that reason, I don't think it would be radial pull. I will have someone look over the tires though, to see if they can spot any problems.

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I second everything Agent said

remember the power steering resevoir is VERY sensitive to fluid levels...just a half an inch below the line will  upset the steering.... and cause it to either be harder to turn or make a growning sound

i would definatley get that checked out, or if you are a Diyer check it out yourself.......make sure the fluid isn't dripping on the Alternator, as it will fry it out over time

good luck

I will look again to make sure, but the steering fluid was right where it should be when I last checked. The car was cold when I checked it, and the fluid mark was right at the maximum mark for the cold setting/cold level.

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Wait a minute. The fog is clearing. I think I was told I had a leak in the power steering RACK about 6 or 7 months ago (I had it in for service). They told me it would cost like a grand to replace the steering rack. I asked if it was critical to do at that time, and they said no, but that if I ever started losing a lot of power steering fluid, that that would be a clue that I could not put it off any longer. I have religiously checked the power steering fluid since and have only added fluid a few times, very miniscule amounts. They said when I turn the wheel is when the leakage occurs. V. strange, but I had expected to be losing more power steering fluid than I am. I would put the amount at 2-4 teaspoons over say, 6 months. So, could the power steering rack be the problem? Instead of alignment or tires? Since the car is due for the 70K service, I'll probably get an alignment as part of the service...

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Your leak is minimal........but perhaps the dreaded "clogged PS solenoid screen" syndrome is occuring. this makes your steering stiff.....

Your original post stated the car just "pulled " to the left, so perhaps I misunderstood - this, to me, doesn't mean stiff steering. But if it truely seems "stiff" when you turn the wheel, that is a different issue - the PS solenoid issue............

Run a search on this subject for further info.....

If your tire wear is consistent (no cupping, edge wear, etc...) , and they are inflated properly (*and evenly), they probably aren't the problem.

For me, you have a 11 year old car with no previous maintenance to the PS unit. This means the fluid is extremely dirty, likely to clog, and likely to cause leaks & stiffness.

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Ok, guys. I'm going to be on a learning curve for solenoid screens as soon as I sign off. Driving at say, 20 mps, or at whatever speed, if I leave the wheel free, the car definitely veers to the left. The steering itself used to be smooth as butter, but that's not the case any longer. It's just not handling the same way, and yes, seems a little stiff on turns. I don't have to wrestle with it or anything, just a noticeable change. I dread hearing about the cost of a solenoid problem...:-). I shouldn't complain. The car in all this time has been remarkably free of problems. I have, however, had to replace that power steering pump (twice), both of which were covered by extended warranty. It makes a slight groaning sound, but as I said, I check the fluids regularly. The mechanic told me not to worry about it, that that was a 'cosmetic' problem and that the pump itself is fine. Will report back once I get this figured out.... THANKS for all your comments. This board is unbelievably helpful, and it's always there when I need it! Cool.

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Your leak is minimal........but perhaps the dreaded "clogged PS solenoid screen" syndrome is occuring.  this makes your steering stiff.....

Your original post stated the car just "pulled " to the  left,  so perhaps I misunderstood - this, to me, doesn't mean stiff steering.  But if it truely seems "stiff" when you turn the wheel,  that is a different issue - the PS solenoid issue............

Run a search on this subject for further info.....

If your tire wear is consistent (no cupping, edge wear, etc...) , and they are inflated properly (*and evenly), they probably aren't the problem.

For me,  you have a 11  year old car with no previous maintenance to the PS unit.  This means the fluid is extremely dirty, likely to clog, and likely to cause leaks & stiffness.

it is both pulling to the left and handling less well (slightly stiffer). there is no wear on the tires, which aren't that old in any case. thanks for the tip on the solenoid issue, which i'll check out asap!!

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That "groaning" is Air in the PS line.........it must be purged!!

1 put two jacks behind each front wheel (on the lift areas) and just barely raise car off ground.

2 remove PS reservoir cap and turn steering wheel to Left until it locks - do not start car!

3 turn wheel back to right until it locks (hold for 1-2 seconds..)

4 repeat two- four more times....

5 keep the reservoir cap on loosely (but cover) and start car just to idle....

6 repeat Left to right (full motion) of steering wheel while at idle 3 more times..

7 turn off car........let front wheels down put PS cap back on

You have now purged the air from the system (well, most of it) in additon, others have left the PS cap OFF all night to help let air escape. Just remembet to tighten it up the next AM before you take off :blink: Keep the hood up as a reminder.

Your steering should be better...... If it's not....your PS solenoid screen is clogged - and perhaps even more........

Good luck


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"That "groaning" is Air in the PS line.........it must be purged!!" HMMM, much to do, much to do. I read somewhere else in this forum to take the cap of the PS pump off, and let it sit for a few hours, so the air wld rise to the top. Your instructions sound a lot more thorough. Then clean the solenoid. Just pray it isn't some big-A ticket item, like a front axle, will you? Thanks again. Also, just curious why the air needs to be purged. Weirdly, my Lexus trained mechanic didn't mention that to me. I get more in-depth info on this board than at mechanic-approved indie shop!

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I mentioned leaving the PS cap off all night.............at the end of the post.

We know more because we care more. Lots of knowledge within a core group of people on a forum this large...

I've also talked to Lexus mechanics about the PS solenoid.......they have know idea what I'm talking about......

Good stuff to know!! :cheers:

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