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Everything posted by joegrinds

  1. I have had this problem also. I ahve a 1995 GS300 with about 80k miles on it. I noticed that this only would happen upon very hot days (usually over 90 degrees) and also under hard acceleration. I am wondering if the other guys here also are having this happen under these same conditions?? Please post a reply. Also, I tried to track this down and did everything including cleaning every ground point in the car as well. I think the answer may be the a/c compressor, although, it works fine almost all of the time when the weather is under 90's degrees. It happens sporatically, so, its really a difficult problem to trace down. Has anyone else had this problem and noticed that the weather was an issue? Anyone else actually fix the issue? I have done everything in regards to powering down the entire system, pulled the battery during the winter...but the problem always finds it way back. This happens because of high pressure building up in the system on extreamly hot days so the pressure release valve automatically shuts the compressor off to prevent major damage to the system, thats why the A/C light blinks. a few things could cause this, 1. the condensor is clogged from dirt and/or debris, if so some degreaser should clean it up fine. next prob could be over charge, if the system has to much refrigerant it can also cause the compressor to shut dowm, for this issue you would have to take the car to an auto a/c tech for propper recharging.
  2. did you ever get this problem solved?? mine is doing the same thing
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