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Everything posted by pflood

  1. I have an ongoing problem with a thumping / shudder when I apply the brakes on steep downhill grades. I have a '94 ES300. I live in Colorado where the mountain grades are extremely steep. I have replaced the brake pads with OEM pads but continue to have the problem. What is interesting is that the problem occurs immediately during braking if the grade is very steep. My mechanic mentioned that the brake rotors could be warping slightly when they heat up. The problem seems to occur before the brakes have had a chance to heat up so I don't think I have a problem with the rotors warping. I worry that I'll loose braking efficiency which is dangerous on a steep mountain pass. I searched this forum for brake issues and saw an entry that suggested that the calipers need to be lubed if brake shudder is an issue. What perplexs me is that the brakes work great 99% of the time, no noise or shudder. I only have the problem on very steep downhill grades (doesn't matter if its winter or summer). Any ideas??
  2. I have a 1994 ES 300. The rear window tinting has become somewhat opaque. I want to replace the tinting but I am afraid that when the window tinting film is removed that the rear window defogger will be damaged. Does anyone have experience with this? It appears that the side windows have factory tinting (bronze color) that is not an aftermarket film but is actually bonded to the window. Can anyone verify this? Can the tinting be removed? I'm wondering if the rear window has the same factory tinting underneath the aftermarket film but I won't know until I try to remove the three piece after market film. Can anyone verify if the factory tinting is always on both the side and rear windows? A local window tinting firm states that bronze tinted film is no longer available from 3m (only grey is availble). Does anyone know of a source for bronze tinting?
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