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Everything posted by piasc400

  1. I also used a head cleaner cd in mine and it seemed to help slightly with the skips (either that are I am learning how to avoid bumps in the road better)
  2. thanks for the replies I removed the unit from the trunk. I also discovered that there is a popout window on the side of the unit that exposes some gears. If you turn those gears with your finger the cartridge will lift. If I have more problems I will most likely send the unit off for repair. The most common problem I have with the unit is that some CDs will not load. This seems to have some relationship to the label because it does not seem to matter whether the CD was CD-R or was store bought. Someday I would like to buy an adaptor cable that will enable using a MP3 player and forget the CD's altogether.
  3. I just bought a 93 SC400 in great condition. I have had some problems with the CD changer giving frequent "ERR" messages. Often a CD will get stuck in the changer. Thru trial and error I have been able to extract stuck CD's but now in the process of replacing the cartridge it has now become stuck and will not raise. It is not due to a CD being between the case and the player. I can get the changer to cycle thru some of the functions but nothing will now raise the cartridge to be removed. What are my options for getting this fixed? Is is possible to get a newer changer? I have read some other posts and perhaps I am looing in the wrong FAQ section but it does not seem to have information about the changer or aftermarket options. Any help would be appreciated.
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