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  1. Hello, this is my first post here so excuse me if I am repeating something that has already been talked about. I have a 93 sc400 that has a few problems. Not major, but kind of annoying when trying to enjoy my smooth ride. I had a B&M mass air installed as well as a B&M performance chip. Ever since I got those two items installed i've been getting a big jerk when riding on the freeway and sometimes during city driving. As if the trans i locking up. It only happens every once in a while not everytime. I am hoping it isn't the transmission. Could it be something to do with the 2 aftermarket parts i installed? Problem 2: On take off I give my car a little extra gas the RPM's are going real high and my car is just sitting there. It drives real smooth when im driving it normal, but when i have to give it some extra power it just revs up. Torque Converter? I am hoping it is something other than that but a professionals oppinion would be greatly appreciated. Thank You for your time!!
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