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Everything posted by Speedemon

  1. Steak (I had a big a$$ ribeye last night - insert Homer drooling)
  2. but if the link dies so does the image guess it doesn't matter
  3. Fire! Fire! ... heh heh! heh! (Beavis and Butthead)
  4. Ok the bet is whether or not Lexus owners put stuff on the back of their cars or suv's, be it bumper stickers, naked lady mud flaps, additional emblems or anything else in general, I'm looking for as many pictures as possible to prove that I'm right. If you're going to post, please post a picture of the rear of your car/suv or someone else's car/suv only if it has something on it that is not from the Factory or Dealer, and you can definitely tell that it's a Lexus. The winner gets a free lunch so I really need everyone's help, in this economy I need all the free lunches I can get. Thank you to everyone with a post. speedemon
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