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Everything posted by Catfish46

  1. Thanks. Both ehubcap.com and capitaolwheels.com have the same center cap offering for the 7 spoke SC 400 wheels. None have the gold emblem. Catfish46
  2. Great deal on the car and the paint job. I have a black 95 SC 400. It has the rear spoiler and I had to replace the struts last year, if you don't have the spoiler your struts should hold up for a while longer. If you replace the struts be careful not to strip the head of the bolt and it will come out easier, the bolts have locktite on them so heating first will help. Last year I also had the trasmission pulled and the seals replaced and new fluid installed. Catfish46
  3. I have had the best luck with Wagner ThermoQuiet brake pads. They hold up well, don't squeak and are not too bad for brake dust. You will need an Allen wrench, large C Clamp or the brake pad clamp and I would recommend 2 cans of good quality brake parts cleaner. You will also need some way to hold the caliper once you have it removed from the rotor. Good luck. Let me know if you need something I can give you my number in case you run into problems. Catfish46, 95 SC 400
  4. I need a center cap for a 95 SC 400. I would like to find one with the gold lexus emblem, but will take a silver colored emblem if I cannot find a gold one. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Catfish46
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