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  1. How does the plug mount. The backet has two holes but I don;'t see anything on the body that it would mount too Thanks ron
  2. Hi Thanks again, I am going to drop by the dealer and see if they can show me how to pop out the little push in trim "plugs" to get the rear containers out.. If I mess up the trim on the new Lexus my wife will kill me. I tried to pull one out and it seemed I had a chande of breaking it off. Better to be safe  From your description sounds like it will be easy to run the wiring once I get the trim removed. BTW Yes Sharm is in Egypt. But if it makes you feel better the water was around 70. I had to wear a 2 piece 7mm plus a hood (for 3 x 1 hour dives per day). I was in Bonaire (you think Cozumel spoiled you) and was diving in the mid-80 last Dec. No wetsuit at all. That is diving. I may be back in Sharm El Sheikh (actually I will likely go shore diving to Dahab) in August. The water will be in the mid to upper 80s. Thanks again Ron
  3. scubawin, Thanks, I guess I'll try it next week. May I ask if you recall where in the back you found the plug? Is it directly under the driver side rear storage compartment? Any clues in relation to a "landmark" (i.e. like the rear axel or spare tire) would be appreciated. BTW does scubawin have any relationship to scuba diving (just got back from Sharm El Shiekh)? Thanks Ron
  4. Hi Once you found the connector how did you get the wiring to the underside of the RX330? Thanks Ron Hi
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