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  • Lexus Model
    2007 GS 350

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  1. Jim, Thanks for the reply. Yes I got the phones address book transfered to the new phone so good to go there. As I said I can use the cars address book to dial out on the phone and I did delete the old phone from the selectable phones in the car. At first the new phone got put as the second phone in the cars system so I thought perhaps that was the problem. I deleted both phones from the car and re-registered the new phone in the first slot but still get the same behavior. Odd. I think your next suggestion of dumping my phone's address book into the car will be the likely fix. When I first got the car last year the phone that I had did not support that function so things were just input manually. I'll let you know how things turn out. These are the things that keep me awake at night.
  2. Had to replace my cell phone and in the process my address book seems to not be associated with this new phone (same model as previous). I can still use it to dial out but the screen no longer shows who is calling and instead shows the prompt "not supported" My assumption is that the address book is not associated with this new phone. Is there a way to tell the address book in the car to be associated with the new phone? I'm assuming that might be the problem but if anyone has any other suggestions I'm open. I suppose it's not that big a deal but I'm just trying to figure out what changed and how to get that functionality back. :( Thanks in advance, Castlebury
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