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  • Lexus Model
    2007 350RX

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  1. i just called the dealer and they said it is a wiring malfunction. he guessed the model number after i told him what it was doing. he said it should be under waranty and takes 45 mintues to fix. thanks!
  2. it was the brake light and the abs and 2 others not the oil light! oops!
  3. I was driving Saturday night a short distance and 4 lights came on--brake light, abs light and 2 others?? it drove normally. turned around and went home and turned off car and restarted and drove around neighborhood and did not come back on. i checked oil and it is ok. i drove it a short distance last night and this morning and no lights came on. the day that happened i had my tires rotated at a tire place. the last time i had my oil changed my husband did it. i have around 21,000 miles on it. any ideas why the lights came on? thanks! carol
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