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  • Lexus Model
    2007 SC 430

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  1. Ok could this be from the coolant level being so low that air got into the system??? because I was just looking at it and i squeezed the pipe leading from the radiator going to the motor and I got back into the car turned in back on and it seemed as if the noise got 10x louder, so I think I'm going to change it from rattling to slushing?? is this correct/is it even a possibility? Would/Should I drain the whole system and then fill it back up? or would it be fine ust to fil it back up? the air would escape wouldn't it? Thanks
  2. I believe what you guys are talking about is the CV boot and joints. With my acura I had a CV boot tear and the grease inside that lubs the joint went out/dried up, but I caught it before the clunking started. So there is nothing to lub the joint and thus leaving you with the clunking noise that you are describing. Sadly for you two the clunking means more than just a ripped boot, the joints are grinding and are now bad. So you need to replace the boots and the joints. For my acura it cost me about $500 for one side full replacement. I have yet to replace them on my SC 430. Also I would consider getting that fixed right away, because it could lead to further problems and eventually you won't be able to steer.
  3. Well hello to everyone, as i am new. Well my problem is that for the past couple of weeks I have been noticing a rattling (much like when you drive over a freshly paved road) coming from the dash area, and possibly the a/c intake area, and today i popped the hood to see if I could see anything and I found that the coolant cap is off and the coolant is down below min. Ok back to the rattling the thing is that I have drove over freshly paved roads, but that was a week ago and I have checked the tires and the fender areas and there is no sign of any asphalt. Could it possibly be from something slipping under the coolant cap when it was off and making its way into the system? Thanks, Kevin BTW it is a 2007
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