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Posts posted by audio28

  1. It's really simple. On your hid headlights there is a white plug, cut it and get ready spice them.

    Now on your car there is a plug that was orgianlly plugged into your non hid lights. Ibelieve the color is brown. Cut that off and spice that into your hid lights. Just match them up red/red and black/black. It could also be white. I connected them together with some bud connectors, and wrapped them with electrical tape for extra security.

    That's it.

    Good luck.

  2. Alright I've done a lot of research, but there are so many different things and products that everyone is using. I wanted to get a good idea and recommendation on what I should use.


    What kind of wash?

    What kind of wax?


    Lexol or Leatherique?

    What kind for the dash and plastic areas in the car?

    Is Microfiber important when drying the car? I have the California water blade, which takes the water off, will this do damage to the car?

    Thanks for the info and the help.

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