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Everything posted by kilrone

  1. Anyone have an idea to either increase the volume of my turn signals or move the lighting. Lights are hidden by the steering wheel (only comfortable spot blocks view) and the volume is way below my hearing range. Shop says my model year doesn't have the 3 volumes available and they have no solutions other than movement of steering wheel. (Not an option.) Anyone aware of any after market speakers, lights, or solutions out there?
  2. TWDS Update: Well had a couple of OK rounds. Shot a 92 at Cimarron up at Sun City Grande then a 91 at Moon Valley. Taking today to devote to some pool time. Ah, the life of LOC member. If I knew this came with vehicle ownership I would've been prompted to buy much sooner in life. Tomorrow we're up at Pinnacle Peak then an unknown one on Sunday. Somehow I'll muddle my way through. AZ: I will have to wait until my return trip when I come back in a couple of months to finish my Real Estate licensing. I will definitely drop a line when I start heading back so I can get down Tuscon way. Sounds like a blast. JGT: Naw, don't think you want my retirement system. Being a street-cleaner for Seattle (OK, some of us are called cops) is not bad but I don't know if I would recommend it nowadays. Well, don't want to get carried away in here since I have a couple of Tequila Drivers waiting poolside. Best to all, Kil
  3. JGT: Actually I've had a partner at work for 24 years. He swears it's a mid-life crisis. I call it reality. What the heck am I going to do when I'm 75 that I wouldn't prefer doing now? At 75 a perfectly tuned DVR and some soft TP should be all I need. Right now the clubs come in handy and the car is fun to drive. All I need is a little bit of supplemental income (Real Estate License) to go along with my pension that kicks in at 53 YOA (That would be 22 months and 10 days if I was one of those guys who counted but since I'm not....) and I'm ready to fine-tune the TWDS. I'm not much of a sound guy for the stereo (hell, FM AM sounds fine to me) but the tint and wheels adds a bit to the car IMHO. AZ08: Not really sure. Somewhere in the Sun City area Tuesday. Unknown on Wed. either. The guy with the timeshare at Camelback Resort (where I stay) knows a group of people who have migrated this way and he simply sets up the tee times and I jump in the backseat of the rental. (less thinking that way) If they don't grab me for a tee time or a Mariner's game then I head to the pool. Keeps life simply while on vacation. I'm sure there will be 6 or 7 games left, along with a quick trip to Havasu and Vegas, before I head home on the 7th. Maybe next year your team will make it to Phoenix and we'll hook up for some games. Better be careful though. The guy who has the timeshare is a former CPA and he keeps books on all the bets. I could swear I was winning sometimes but at the end...well... lol. He does like to have multiple games though. Keeps you in the game the whole way. No Michael Jordan bets though. Biggest is $1 $1 $1 with automatic presses. (and of course the specials) Well it was 88 today in Phoenix for all of you not able to work on the TWDS at this time. ( :) ) Tomorrow will only be 87 though so I will have to muddle through as best as I can. Later, Kil
  4. OK, now for the good part. The car is sitting in the driveway at home awaiting my return. (Probably like the car rental commercial currently running) However, I'm sitting poolside in Scottsdale contemplating my next round of golf! Arrived on Saturday afternoon. Have to stop by the Rusty Spur Saloon when you hit town. That took care of Saturday. (Mandatory per LOC TWDS rulebook Section 9.1.1) Woke up Sunday for a round at Camelback Gold Club. Have to say the brand new clubs definitely outplayed my swing. My 15.1 didn't hold up as I shot a 91 to start the week. Hell, still better than a day at work. (Raining and miserable in Seattle) Although I'm not playing today (Mariner's game to attend) I do have rounds scheduled for Tuesday and Wednsday. Hopefully I can spend a little time on the swing so I can get a little more out of the rounds. I've heard of West Coast and East Coast sites and I'm up for either direction. We can also consider a stop down in Texas to split the difference. Some nice golf destinations down there I'm sure. In that case maybe I'll drive. That way we can get the Lexus Company to pony-up for some incentives for attending the First Annual LOC TWDS Tournament. I'm sure they could get some advertising mileage out of that one. Tell em if they come up big we'll give them ad rights to our annual Lexus Gathering. Sounds good to me at least. I'm going to have some Lexus homework left on the vehicle when I get home. I want to put a light tint job on the windows, a wheel upgrade, and some odds and ends to make it like I want it. Hell, hardest thing to find so far has been a decent litter receptacle for the car. Looking for something to sit on the rear flooring but it's like they don't produce anything nice any more. You would think it would be the opposite n today's "Green" world but I guess not. Well hard to concentrate on those details as the activity increases by the pool. Other things to grab my attention here. I would say I'll be thinking of ya'll as I sit by the pool buy hey, why start with a lie. If I ever start thinking of Forum responses in the middle of a parade of bikinis well, throw some dirt on me because I might as well have not woke up today. Later, Kil
  5. OK, I’ll blow through the first part. I needed to upgrade to a nice vehicle for personal reasons (50th birthday present to myself) and because I’m trying to move into the real estate business. Did my homework on the internet, drove a variety of vehicles including Nissan, Toyoto, BMW, Acura, etc.. I preferred the all-around performance and amenities of the Lexus. (Obvious at this point..) Decided I needed to get the best information possible prior to purchase. Scoured the internet and found many professional sites, (MotorTrend, Consumer Reports, and on and on) plus a large number of private sites that all had advice on purchasing. I quickly realized I needed detailed pricing information. Two sites that were recommended on numerous pages were Consumer Reports and Fighting Chance. I decided (not knowing at this point which product was better) to purchase prices and buying information from both sites this time, allowing me an opportunity to compare. I will say that the vehicle pricing was exactly the same leading me to believe that most sites will have access to the same database of information regarding prices. Fighting Chance did offer personal service beyond the numbers and I found myself using it when I had a question regarding the purchase. The owner took the time to make a callback and was able to point out where I had skewered the numbers a bit. Don’t know if it was worth the $40 vs. $14 C.R. charges but, that will be up to the individual. I did not use the Fax Attack method per the F.C. website. Instead I used the L.O.C. website to discover what others were paying across the country. Found that Lexus dealers were allowing purchases ranging from invoice to MSRP. (In my case that was a $5300 difference) I then contacted a neighboring state’s dealership and was able to secure a bid at approximately $1800 over invoice. I figured out the transportation costs that would be involved if I decided to purchase from an area that was offering sales at invoice. (Mostly the S.F. Bay area) I approached my local dealer and presented them with the paperwork showing the prices, along with the information of what Lexus dealers within the Western States were offering. (Note: the package I picked, Premium Plus W/Options $7,949 included the Rear Spoiler but when I located my vehicle I discovered that almost no vehicles come with the Spoiler attached. More on that in a bit) One price that kept coming up on the websites was an Advertising Fee, which seems to be a legitimate add-on. Prices seemed to range from $200 to $450, depending on the dealership. With this, and the other data I collected, I came up with my logical price to pay. I offered my local dealer the opportunity to sell me the vehicle at $500 over invoice. (In my case that would be 37,211 + 500= $37,211) My logic was that it would cost from $300 to $500 in transportation costs to bring the vehicle up from any dealer that was currently selling at invoice. This $500 would cover any Ad Fee and still allow them to post a profit beyond the usual profit margins. (3% Holdback/Quota Fulfillment (Spiff?)/Customer Service Ratings) There was amusing back and forth negotiation and the upshot was we agreed on a price of 37,911, $700 over invoice with no advertisement fees, a $50 Doc fee, the Spoiler attached at invoice with no dealer labor cost, and applicable taxes. I felt comfortable with the price and bought a vehicle. Summary: Why write this follow-up? I would hope that someone who stumbles across this website, and this thread, will be able to pick up something that helps in their purchase. Now before anyone lands on my chest let me say that I am in no way suggesting this is the way to buy a vehicle. In actuality, this could be an apt description of “What Not to Do When Buying a Vehicle”. It is as beneficial to learn from an idiot as a wise person. It is merely an attempt to help others in the buying process. I found many articles here and there about when and where, what I didn’t see was someone’s attempt at a logical process in purchasing. Hopefully these thoughts, flawed or not, will help someone secure a deal they are comfortable with. This article is way too long (I do recognize that) so I will follow up later with all the questions I have about wheels, tinting, cargo holds, cleaning, etc….. Later, Kil
  6. OK, update. New Lexus Owner here!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally decided I was getting a deal that I liked so I took the plunge. Been busy since but figured I would post my overall buying experience here in the next couple of days so that maybe someone could benefit from my experience. I can tell you that I'm was on a high last night (Sunday) when I picked it up so I had to take today off just to drive around and enjoy it. Damn nice feeling! Just thought I would let you know where I was in the deal. JGT, I should be getting my R.E. license in Wa. next month and hopefully pick up my AZ. license in the next few months. I actually plan on making some business trips at that time so if it works out I may use it as an excuse to make my way back East. Hell, any good excuse to miss work and play golf sounds good to me. Besides, since the 1st Annual "TWDS Tournament" was created here, how can I miss my own tournament? Anyhow, thanks all for the input during the process (although I still have some important buys yet to make) and I'll holler at ya with the details shortly. Later, Kil
  7. Sorry for the confusion. The car I want is invoiced at $37,211 w/transport fee included. (thats the Premium Plus with Options including the Rear Spoiler installed) I'm trying for a $37,511 buy. (Excluding $50 docking fee and sales tax) Was just curious if it sounded like a righteous buy or if I should be trying to get a better deal yet? My reasoning had it at ok but was looking for feedback if I needed to continue bargaining. Figured the advice has been free so far and already has been beneficial so why not continue to seek input. As for the TWDS, I fly out on the 22nd for 2 1/2 weeks of Mariner's ball, golfing, and pool time. Yea, life does have it's good moments. Just wanted to have my Lexus waiting for me when I get back. (nice thought anyhow)
  8. LexusFreak and JGt, (and others) Latest update. Saw the buyers in the Bay area getting deals at invoice. Figured my MSRP at $42,534 Premium Plus W/Options (including Rear Spoiler installed). Invoice pricing per C.R. and F.C. was $37,211 (Mark-up at $5,323) My rationale is that with an upcoming trip to AZ already booked and paid for why not purchase in Arizona at invoice (allowing a dealer who would usually have no chance at my business to grab a vehicle sale that counts towards their monthly sales (meeting spiff?/not sure if that's the correct term) plus anything they make on the HoldBack 3%) and simply drive the vehicle back to Washington. (Heck, get some more golf in along the way. Figure my gas bill at approximately $300) Went to my dealer, who I had promised to give last chance to since I tested the cars with them and they have been agreeable, and showed him all the material I had garnered so far. With the printout sheets of the prices, plus his own knowledge of the forums allowing prosepective buyers to see what is happening elsewhere, he asked if I was ready to purchase a vehicle. I advised that in order to cover the costs of transport back from either AZ or the Bay Area, I would be willing to purchase at 500 over invoice. (This is aside from their transport and dock fee) He asked if I was ready to buy which, unfortunately I wasn't since I had class this evening. (Moving over to Real Estate field) Now, Car-Buying 101 says you have them make the offer to get the best deal but $500 over doesn't sound too much of a profit allowance for their dealership? With as many different modes of Car-Buying out there I'm sure some will say that giving a hard price was negligent on my part but I guess at this point I'm feeling it would be a fair deal all-around. LexusFreak had mentioned earlier that $1800 over did not sound like a good deal so would be curious as to opinion on this price but probably will go ahead there Saturday with intent to purchase if my number is met. Unless (of course) someone explains why I'm giving away the farm here for no apparent reason. I'm open to comments, but please, if planning on mentioning how dumb this reasoning is please use terms and expressions that a sensitive soul like myself can handle. Thanks in advance for any input. (on both sides of the coin) Kil
  9. SW03ES, Thanks. Luckily I'm not in a hurry. Will keep on working a deal for a bit to see where I wind up.
  10. OK, received my first offer. Basically I would be getting the vehicle for 2K over invoice. (according to invoice pricing I received from two different web sites with identical price lists) Sounds reasonable but will allow the others to price quote prior to any purchase. Hopefully I will secure something soon. I'll keep you posted. As for the TWDS, might have to have a LexusOwnersClub tournament this summer. Maybe start with an East Coast swing this year with follow-ups to be determined.
  11. SW03ES, Thanks for the reply. Starting my calling now and will wait on the warranty. Kil
  12. JGT, I'll start with a Lexus comment, follow with some Trunk Weight Distribution System comments, and then end with a general Lexus comment so nobody will shout me down. (Besides, who drives a Lexus and doesn't golf? I believe that would be illegal, or at the very least, a breach of etiquette.) As far as the Elite part goes I'm hoping that Lexus of Bellevue (one of the nicer dealerships) comes through with the best bid. Although I haven't discovered the in's and out's of service yet, I can't see them lacking in any amenities. I plan on using them for service no matter where the purchase occurs so I'm hoping they come close enough in price to allow me to purchase from them. I used them for the test drive and liked their customer service. Now onto the Lexus Trunk Weight Distribution System offered on the build page at Lexus.com. (At least that is how I remember it.) About two issues ago, Golf Digest came out with a Hot List for 2008. I used their recommendations to gather a starting point for club selection. (I also a attended a "Big Boys Fair" in Scottsdale last year and had some hands on experience to assist me.) I selected the Mizuno's, Taylor Made, Cleveland, and one "off-brand" to test. It was close but I wound up purchasing Taylor Made R7 TP 4-PW, TM Rescue 19 degree, TM TP 3W 14.5 degree, and TM TP Burner 9.5., and two Calloway wedges 54 and 58 degree. Able to get cost+ 10% so walked away, W/tax, at about 1400 for the lot. Felt like I did OK there. Was better than any internet prices I could find so I'm quite happy with the end result. I will say though the Cleveland Red clubs were a close call. I could have went either way but liked the top-line look of the TM TP's a bit better. Hoping to go from the current 15.1 to the 9's this year. (At least it is a goal) Good luck on your purchase of the that highly recommended Trunk Weight Distribution System for your vehicle. Didn't make it in for the extended warranty discussion yet so I'll do some more research before I pull the trigger either way. I do plan on long term ownership (best laid plans as they say) so it is at least something to consider as LF pointed out earlier. Thanks again for the reply and I'll keep you posted on the purchase. Hope to have some bids coming by the end of the week and would like to park it in the driveway prior to my flight out on the 22nd. (Nice homecoming present to myself.)
  13. JGT and LexusFreak, Thanks for the replies. Nice to hear I'm not the only shopper who spends so much time trying to get the "Correct" (not cheapest necessarily) deal. I'm heading over now to talk to a dealer about the extended warranty (since I do tend to hold onto my vehicles/ which LF suggests makes it worth my while). JGT, you say that Yahoo and Edmunds was where you found the tire info. In their Forum section I'm assuming? And not to worry, this is my 4th or 5th dealer visit. I warned them early on not to push a sale until I was ready. I told them I was there for test-rides (did the LS ES and GS) and info at this point and so far they have had the good sense to not try and make a sale. (good way to lose me to another dealer) Hopefully I'll come away with enough today to start the pricing portion of this. See who wants to "Make A Deal" this week. I will be asking for month end prices early since I have the misfortune of golfing in AZ. for 2 1/2 weeks coming at the end of the month. (Had to mention how good a month it could be if I get a Lexus and two weeks of golf in with my spanky new golf clubs/total club replacement!) Can you tell how I'm celebrating turning 50 last year? LOL Anyhow, thanks again for the feedback. Will let you know how it goes and then maybe a follow-up on the tire issue once I secure a vehicle.
  14. Buying this month: ES350 Premium Plus Package for 98012 zip code. (different packages for different zip codes is what I've been told?) Premium Plus Package Includes: - Leather-trimmed interior - Heated and ventilated front seats - Driver's seat power cushion extender - Lexus Memory System to control power driver's and front passenger's seats (except lumbar), outside mirrors and steering wheel - Electrochromic outside mirrors with tilt-down in reverse - Rain-sensing intermittent windshield wipers with mist cycle Additional Options: - Lexus voice-activated DVD Navigation System - High-Intensity Discharge Headlamps (HID) - Intuitive Parking Assist - Full-size spare tire with 17-in alloy wheel - Rear seat side airbags - Wood- and leather-trimmed steering wheel and shift knob - Power rear sunshade - Rear lip spoiler - Preferred accessory package (includes Cargo net, Trunk mat and Wheel locks (Can't buy the Levinson without going to the Ultra and I'm not a fan of the Panorama..oh well) I've used Comsumer Reports and another website to get the invoice pricing so I'm confident of my base prices going into the negotiating phase. However, I'm not sure of what they may hit me up for at the time of the sale. So I'm soliciting any advice prior to the sit-down. I'm sure that Extended Warranty will be brought up so any insight gained from others would be helpful. I've been told that the following two items are worth considering? A. Interface Kit for the Ipod B. All-Weather Mats It appears as if the Rear Bumper Applique is available on that model? (at least the box shows up on the Build Page of Lesus.com) Haven't found much info on it. Any info as to whether it is available on the ES and if so, is it a good buy? Since the Levinson is not an option has anyone done any minor upgrading afterwards that helped boost the stock performance? Lastly, I'm sure I'll upgrade on the wheels after the purchase. Not too big of a fan of the 17" stock wheels. I'm not willing to give up ride performance so going to the really oversized wheels is not an option however, I would like to see a slightly wider tread pattern on the vehicle so I was wondering if maybe there is an 18" out there with a smooth, wider, tread pattern (Michelin all-weather perhaps?) that anyone has found to look good (appropriate) on the ES. I understand there are more than a few questions in here however I'm sure there are more buyers out there like me who trying to gather as much pre-sale information as possible so any answers would be appreciated, and probably helpful to more that just me. Thanks for any information, Kil
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