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Hot Tub Fill

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Everything posted by Hot Tub Fill

  1. I finally finished off my garage and am ready to tweak my garage and gs400 out! I am starting the long and never ending journey of customizing my car. First off, I would like to add some graphics in my garage (walls are all white & boring!). Does anyone know of a website that sells vehicle graphics? I would like to order a big "Lexus" sticker along with a "GMC" sticker for my truck. Sounds dorky I know, but I would like to put these on the wall in front of my vehicles. The Lexus is not a daily driver and it is now stock. I would like to start by modifing the running system, then the look later. Where the heck should I start? I have searched websites and basically came here! Thanks a mil, and I am lookin forward to checking these boards regularly.
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