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    93 LS 400

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  1. Dont know if you are still here or not, but............. it is 5 years later and I've purchased a 93 Ls 400 with the original 66,000 miles. Got a new key and ROM from lexus, they wanted to charge me an extra $120 to install. They had aleady got me for about $800 the same day. Needless to say, I've been looking for this information for a while and low and behold -you -like a '5 year old blessing'! The pics are just what I needed -- THANKS!!!!! If by chance ,(as I suspect), you are no longer a member -Thank you to anyone who reads and responds!
  2. Hey guys thanks for responding. I really apreciate it. :D I'm going to try to do this my self when time is available. Does anyone know where I can order one of those 93 LS400 repair manuals they used to sell (that don't seem to exist today)?
  3. I have a 1993 LS 400 replacement master key and ROM chip from Lexus. I was told by them, I could do this by self. I have no idea where and how to replace as I dont have an owners manual. I really need detailed instructions (possibly pics - I'm not the brightest bulb on broadway) Please help!!!!!
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