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Naveed Ahmed

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  • Lexus Model
    ES 300 1998

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  1. thanks alot for replying i will have to get it checked this weekend. another thing is that i do hear a little rattle once a whiel when in D, but a little vibration all the time when engine is warm up around 700 RPM when idle. my machenic told be that i have have weak front engine mount. would that mount be causing all the trouble. just want to narrow done the cause so i can start from right place. once again appreciate any suggestions
  2. I bought this 1998 ES300 with 136k on it. pretty good car, until i got the Catalytic converter Heat Shield tied up with matel wire from machenic. may be since then its not accelerating the way it supose to be, its very loud when i press gas all the way down. any idea. i have no idea how to brows around this forum. please let me know at nomi_khan28@hotmail.com if you have any idea about the issue. i checked the plugs they are fine. got the oil changed and used supreme gas all the time. i had 1994 V6 camry last year and that was very silent when ever i did suden acceleration. no warnings lights and the ODBll scaner did not returned any code at all. is there any possibility that machenic might have demaged the ciramin in Catalytic conver by that tight matel tie with bolt on it. i just noticed some oil drip around valve conver, appreciate any help
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