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Everything posted by zoydrxxh

  1. Hello everybody, lately on mine rx400h of the 4/2008 I hear something that i have not never heard before: to low speed (25/30 kmh) in the passage from the traction completely electrical worker to that arranged with the motor to combustion, I hear an annoying short noise clearly, logical could be given from the attack of the thermal engine to transmission gear motion, that should be located in the front , but i hear this short rumor on the right back side of the car (or may be,is a wrong sensation?) . ave you had experiences of the sort, it's normal behavior ? or ,if not, what is this noise and how to to solve it? p.s. I do not know if can to influence, but the temperature here in Bucharest is by now from varied days a lot under zero C, and I ask if this can influence, in fact I have noticed this behavior of the machine in these last days. Anyway in the next days i will carry the car to Lexus for the 45000 km service and i will ask, but i'd like to go there with more information from who eventually passed through this problem, if is a problem. I will let you know. Ciao and sorry for my terrible wrote english.
  2. Ciao I'd like to change on my car, 08 RX400H, the Lexus logo on the front of the car with the blue one, like the one on the back, that i like a lot; i called the Lexus service and they told me that relating the ID number of my car the only that is provided is the one already installed. Did someone knows, having on his car and eventually asking to a Lexus sercvice, please, the part number related the front blue badge Lexus logo for the 08 RX400H? Thanks a lot, molte Grazie ! Marco
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