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Everything posted by Breukhouse

  1. Does your rain sensor work with the new windshield? The 2004 LS 430 I bought appears to have a new windshield and the rain sensor does not work? Any thoughts? So what do you want - a guarantee from us? I've used PPG glass on at least two cars in the past, so has Tropheus, and PPG is a industry leader so there's the quality for you. Performance is what I said in the beginning as the variable ain't the glass it's the installer. THEY are the ones that can mess up the job, not the part. Now it's up to you. Yea, whatever, SRK. A guarantee is always nice, isn't it? In this thread, there are opinions both way, OEM or aftermarket. So, given that, I do see it as a bit of a crap shoot. However, with those who did have a good experience with PPG and using the glass guy that the Lexus Body Shop uses, I'm feeling somewhat safe in going that direction. If not, maybe I can reboot the whole thing. Thanks to all for inputs and thoughts
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