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= Lexus =

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  • Lexus Model
    ES 300

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  1. there are no blown fuses that i can see, did anyone else experience this problem?
  2. hi, i am new to the forum, i tried a quick search but couldn't find a solution to my problem. i have a '98 es300 with a lighting problem, when the engine is off, everything's fine, calm and steady light outputs, but when the engine is on, the lights get brighter and dimmer every 1-2 seconds, and it keeps doing that non stop, this applies to the headlights, taillights, and interior dome lights, maybe even cluster lights, but it's too subtle to tell. i've tried disconnecting the alternator, and running a jumper cable from the battery to another car, with both car's engine running, made no difference, so i doubt it's the alternator causing this, i've also tried a different battery, made no difference either, so now i am stumped . any help will be appreciated, thanks!
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