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Everything posted by queenB

  1. Ok so I took it back to the dealership I bought my rx from. The results of their findings is that the noise is my motor mounts that when I break it's causing it to shift. They are going to repair it this Friday. Do you guys think they have found the issue?....
  2. So is this somethng my husband can check or will I have to take to a dealer so they can check it out. If were talkng somethng that has to be replaced do you happen to know what Ian looking at to pay? I should of just got the extended warranty now having huge regreats.
  3. Well I had my husband check this out n he said everythng with my breaks looks fine. Dies any one what else it may be?
  4. QB- Do you have anyone who can take a look at it for you? A male friend or relative? It does sound to me like either the caliper bolts are loose or the pad is moving in the caliper because it's not a good fit (loose) or if it has "tensioners" to hold it tight (quite a few cars do), that they have been left out. (I don't believe they can just come out) I would try and find someone knowledgeable who would at least do you the favor of taking a look at it for you. If you are going to drive a Lexus, I strongly advise you to start looking now for a GOOD HONEST COMPETENT Lexus or Toyota independent shop (before you need it) Anyone who works on and specializes in Toyota should also be able to work on your Lexus- they share so many similarities in drivetrain and design thinking. Probably be cheaper too! Thnk u letting me know this iam actually going to ask my husband to chck this out. We just weren't sure if it could be something else. I will get back and let you k ow how it went.
  5. I just bought a preowend RX330 and when I break not all the times but sometimes i hear like a knoking noise under the car. Not sure if it's coming from either side of the tires, but does anyone know what this might be? It's not loud or anyhting but I can fell and hear it when I press down on the breaks. I read on another posting that this might be the calipers or pads that need to be adjusted, but I have no idea...if anyone out their can help me figure this out I'd appreciate it. I hate to take to the the dealer and being a female be talked into major repairs when I dont need them. Thank you, Brenda
  6. Hi, i just bought a 2004 RX330...and i can open all my windows except my sunroof via the wireless key. I read on the manual that this feature can be disabled. I am thinking now that the previous owner might of gotten the sunroof disabled from opening via wireless remote. Can any tell me if there is a way I can do this my self with out having to take it to the Lexus dealer?
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