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  • Lexus Model
    RX350, IS250

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  1. Hello; sorry you are having problems. I have the same vehicle, and don't have problems with the bluetooth. Have used bluetooth with a SonyEricsson T637, a Motorola KRZR, and now an iPhone with no problems (all with Cingular/AT&T) What phone and carrier are you using? If you haven't tried it with another phone, I'd recommend trying another one & attempt to recreate the problem to ensure it is the vehicle's problem.
  2. Hello - looking for information on good quality aftermarket DVD player for my wife's RX350. We have two kids, so two in-headrest screens would be ideal. Would like the option to have both play the same movie at the same time - playing separate movies would be nice, but not required. I have seen one at my dealer that does all of the above, but the DVDs are loaded behind the screens, making it impossible for the driver to change DVDs while driving. Are there any good options that have the player mounted in the center console? Also: for in-headrest DVD players in general: are the factory headrests typically modifed, or are new headrests purchased? Last: if new headrests are provided as part of the package, have people had good luck with the leather matching the other leather in the vehicle? Thank you in advance
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