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Everything posted by Katmc_tx

  1. I'll have to listen for that fuel pump next time. As far as the fuel filter I'm not sure since we just purchased the vehicle last September. I'll have my husband look into the fuel filter and maybe have him change it if its not too hard to get to. Thanks for the Gary
  2. Last week I tried to start my 2001 RX300 and it would not start. It sounded like it was trying to turn over but it did not until the 4th attempt and with my having to push the gas. It did not happen every time I tried to start the vehicle but it did happen a couple more times that week. It would also happened at any given time throughout the day not just when the engine was cold. I mentioned it to my husband and we thought maybe we had purchased bad fuel. So over the weekend we added some fuel cleaner to a full tank of gas and decided to give it a couple of days to work through the system. Well here we are on Thursday (the 2nd week) and the engine started fine first thing this morning but when I tried to turn it on again after about 1 hr at the gym it did not turn on. I waited and tried again and then again with pushing the gas and it finally turned on. Any idea as to what the problem is anyone? When we purchased the Lexus we did purchase an extended warranty but it was not a Lexus dealership and therefore not a Lexus warranty. So if I have to take it in to be serviced I'm hopeful the warranty will cover the problem. Thanks for any and all replies.
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