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Posts posted by Camski

  1. The loose elastic can indeed just be pulled out however i advise that you use two hands - Jam one hand under the seat where the elastic runs in and pull with the other as this will help the elastic to come out easier.

    Or you can just pull :P

    Just go easy on it though, it'll come out slowly but surely.

  2. Remove the clock face (the red section), and only that section.

    To make things easier, stick one of those pins in one side first (you need to push it had and the face panel may bend a little), you'll feel it bypass a little metal tab, that's when you know you're through (the pin should do in so that the face panel sits close to the chrome bit/handle on the pin).

    After you stick that side in, try stick the other side in, if it won't go in, get a small suction cap or some sticky double sided tape and pull the side with the pin it out slightly, then attempt to stick the pin in the other side, it should come out pretty easily.

    Don't yank the unit out once it's loose as it's connected to wires.

    Taa Daa - http://www.clublexus.com/forums/showthread...king&page=2

  3. It's wired up to your the light sensor that triggers your automatically headlights.

    So basically if you turn on your headlight during the day, your tach and GPS screen won't dim (+invert colours for the GPS screen). Keep those headlights on and for example drive into a tunnel then back out you'll notice it'll dim then become bright again.

    Good thing Lexus thought of this, i belive the old Accords didn't do this so as a result the GPS screen would be impossible to see and have to be manually changed to day mode.

  4. post a link, i don't think your imaginary gadget exists.., otherwise stop shouting..

    I'll NOT post the link unless you change your attitude. :o

    --Off Topic--

    You did type your entire post in capitals which is actually shouting.

    "Typing in all capital letters on the Internet is considered rude because it is difficult to read and comes across as very aggressive (LIKE SHOUTING!)." - http://www.simplehelp.net/2006/08/14/how-t...ood-netiquette/


    On topic, yes you would have to replace the whole tach because you can't change the MPH to KPH there however i'm not sure about changing the readout from the trip computer (this could probably be done by software however i'm not sure what's involved or whether it's even possible without getting a new unit).

  5. I'm still wondering that at $44K whether a Lexus should be prone to such nuances.

    That's nothing... That's hardly enough to get you a base IS250 with nothing.... Like 16" wheels :|

    On another note, i think the IS is prone to rattles because of the quiet interior. Every sound made inside the car seems "amplified" like rubbing your hands over the steering wheel.

    Although the rattles do seem a bit out of place as the locally (AU) built Mistubishi 380 (driven for a week interstate) was rattle free and relatively quiet inside.

  6. It's more of a personal preference as to whether you want to use the Auto setting or not during the cold weather as some people don't like the heat/air-con split (more to the point, many don't like having cold air blown on their face however this does have it's reasons).

    Other than that, you may find that without the airconditioning and with the air on recirculate, your windows will fog up because if you recirculate the air in the car the air will eventually get thicker and thicker (as you exhale) and as a result start fogging up your windows. If you use recirculate and the aircon then this isn't a problem as the airconditioner dehumidifies the air (hence the trail of water your car leaves).

  7. Christian, to do it properly they have to remove the door panel to get access to the area blocked by the speaker.

    The reviews on this are mixed, it highly depends where you take the car to get it done as some will do a better job than other and that just doesnt mean putting it back together, some people have ended up with marks on their seats etc. due to careless actions taken.

  8. Just thought i'd add that generally the "bluer" the lights the less "bright" they'll be as the gas is heated up to higher temperatures causing luminosity to be lost.

    If you have Xenon's you should notice that when you initially start the car they should move (just the Xenon bulbs) and should also be a very blue colour which later turns to a whiter colour once the bulbs have heated up.

    The Xenon's won't exactly make the entire road glow however generally they are better than ordinary headlights. However this gap has been closed up by introducing the projector bulb to regular halogen bulbs making the light much more even but still lacks the throw of xenon bulbs.

    Comparing Xenon's to a good set of regular bulbs may make the difference harder to tell and in the case of you previously owning a Jag, i'd imagine the setup in that car was pretty good.

  9. The way to answer this question is by asking yourself this, how often did you buy a street directory?

    I don't know anyone that buys a new one every year, especially since most of the time the changes are minimal or they're roads that wouldn't make a difference to you anyway.

    I ask myself this and that is my answer as to whether i update my navigation disc or not (especially considering it costs a lot more than a street directory).

    Infact! The latest street directory i have (for my state) is 2000! Then again both the cars have nav..... But i haven't updated either of them.

    Unless there is some fancy new stuff you get (software/firmware) then the above question is all i have to ask myself.

  10. I dunno but do you have to unlock the car first?

    Normally i press the unlock button twice to unlock all the doors then hold the unlock button for as long as it takes for the windows + sunroof to open where i want it.

    I remember reading something about some countries not getting this feature?

    Or maybe it was not being able to hold the lock button to get them to close back up.

  11. Auto box here too.

    Seems like an Aussie thing....

    Why do we always have to be different :P Although i'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing but a little extra air never hurt.

    Nice car bluey.... Sports Luxury :D (Visible differences: headlight washers, fatter wheels, fancy badge [laser cruise control], dimming mirror and rain sensor).

    Now i can tell if your IS250 (no IS220d, IS350 or IS250AWD here.....) is Aussie or not :P (damn grill....)

  12. Same stuff the rest of the grill is made of.

    Yours sounds like it looks like the same one used in the RX330 as i can also see the radiator + horn/s.

    Hmm i wonder if we (us with the sealed grill) should be "concerned" about this or not.

    I can think of only ONE thing that would lead to this, aero dynamics but even then it seems stupid to restrict airflow....

  13. The grill on the ISx50 (or in my case the IS250), is it mean't to be sealed up?

    To me it doesn't make any sense that between the vertical bars it's nearly all sealed (except i think for a tiny little gap in the bottom right corner).

    I dunno if it's only here that's like that but it seems to hinder air intake if you ask me.

    More than anything else, i wonder if it affects the air intake or not, it's definately meant to be like that (as in the plastic isn't meant to be removed) but i wonder if it's an Aussie thing or whether it's like this universally.

    Edit: I found a picture i took ages ago http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=876330944&size=l

  14. I think you can jump in and start it up then hop out and lock the doors via remote/button.

    I think many people that live around snowy area's do that to warm up their IS's engines.

    I still think it's comical that when you open the door by using the emergency key the alarm keeps going off until you start the car :P

  15. Ahem (add ML), DVD's anyone?

    This guy is right, some people do buy it for status but less common is buying a Lex for status generally it's the German "Badge" that attracts buyers.

    Well if you ask me the Nav. is worth it. It's just the convenience more than anything else added with the fact that comparing to some portable units it is also more accurate. Pair that with wheel tracking and you've got a setup that will work without satellite coverage.

    Now i'm sure it's not just the Nav. either, bluetooth and the mentioned backup camera.

    Let me mention the bluetooth however, how does one answer the call via the portable unit?

    Steering wheel buttons are a LOT easier and safer. Also think about the Lexus market, with the IS in mind, think of all the "executives" with their Blackberry's - They probably wish it'd shut up.

    Here in Australia, I'm the one that get's to point the finger and laugh at people that went and spent the same amount of AU$$ on a BMW 320i that got half what we got (engine size, reliabilty, features etc.).

    Lastly, it's one of those things you won't rely on until you actually have it installed. So it's really up to you but I can almost assure you that if you get it installed you won't look back.

  16. Maybe it's the way you drive but you're WAY to ciritcal about the "paddles".

    You do realise that many cars today have the so called "manual" option, yes?

    They use the knobby gear shifter. I don't see you hitting on them.

    I think your expectations are to great because it has "paddles".

    I can however agree that the way the 'box is programmed is odd.

    Generally, when in the S mode, as the car slows down, the gears should drop. I know this happens in the Lexus' but it doesn't shift down the 'top gear selector'.

    That matched with the fact that S mode isn't that 'esy', it should be noted that the E46 range BMW 3 series autobox's hold the gears a lot longer when in S mode (we're talking 4000RPM normal driving) and also shifts down when the car is rolling down a hill (this is serious downshifting - with the engine spinning towards 5000RPM).

    Be happy that you've got the paddles because on the Euro competitor's they'll be a hefty option that'll leave a nice hole in your bank account.

  17. Yeah it should invert the colours.

    Now i know it can be changed however i can't remember which one of the following it was -

    1) Try hit the DISP button or check around the setting on the navigation screen.

    2) The speedo's light adjuster to the left? (lol i'm used to right hand drive cars :P) just next to the steering wheel (it's not lower down near the boot button - remember looking the other day) and try turn that a bit to the darker side. I'm pretty sure it's this one that'll do it. Do it in the dark (in garage, parking lot, night time) and turn it to the brightest then turn it a bit to the darker side of things and i'm PRETTY sure that should do it.

  18. That's normal.

    I believe it has something to do with the transmission kicking in to make sure that the front wheels turn at the correct speed (because of the sharp angle, one of the front wheels will want to spin a lot more than the other).

    Probably more obvious on your AWD model as well depending if there's power going to the front wheels.

    All cars do it, how audible depends but having AWD/4WD would make it more obvious.

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