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  1. any chance this will work on older models? like ancient models, 90 es250, custom work needed perhaps?
  2. ive done this, actually im about to do this again, so if you want pictures in a step by step it gets tricky for sure, i hope u got the right size, 9004-SU its also in the manual, but u gotta give me a week, since i only work on my car on the weekends YOU DONT HAVE TO REMOVE ENTIRE HEADLIGHT to change a bulb so yea, in short there is a twist cover behind the headlights, you kinda have to reach in, and twist it off, kinda need flexible hands then u can pull out the connection that supplies power to headlight bulbs finally, your bulbs are stuck in like in a rubber seal type deal, so now just pull it out and replace kinda hard to explain without pictures
  3. should've got an es250 runs reliably like a camry, sound system stock like a lexus im at 168,000K with no major service... but im second owner, bought in 2000 with 100K the only thing is bad shocks on the front, and some radiator work and i broke the moonroof, but thats minor
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