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Everything posted by Aones

  1. thanks alot guys i really apprciate it =) you guys gave me all the right information
  2. Thanks for the replies, im going to check the seals and valve cover The leak is right under the timing belt (drive belt), its definitly engine oil , it leaks every single time i start the car (jus bought it , not yet insured) . The leak is heavy most of the time , but not all the time and not for the past 2 days, just a couple of drops. Other times its the size of an official football to basketball. I have also notice smoke coming up from the back of the engine (closer to the driver not the radiator), the smoke isnt coming out from the top , more like middle or bottom i cant really tell , but the car doesnt over heat even after i hit the gas and rev it up for a while(on high rpms). Also the lower right side pulley (i think its a crank pulley, its not small) is wobbling, is this serious? about how much to change this part? alot of parts must be removed to get to this part? a pic of these areas doesnt really doesnt show the details ive tried to decribe but you u want i will post a pic.
  3. Ok i dont know too much about car parts and engines but i have an oil leak , the oil leaks on the floor around where the timing belt is , and its a pretty good amount , not jus lttile drops . Now i tried looking around for it , i dont see any leaks so far but i didnt go under the car , and around the camshaft or a belt pulley i see its wobbling could the leak be coming from there and should it be wobbling camshaft and pulley and if it is a promblem about how much it might be to repiar? please reply.
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