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  • Lexus Model
    1999 gs300

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  1. My wife's 99 gs300 would not turn off once she had started it. She cranked it and it started making a loud clanking noise so she turned it off. The noise did not be gin until she was turning to pull out of the driveway. The car continued to run though she had turned the car off. It sounded as if the starter was still engaged? It ran for about 5 mins and finally shut off; the key was turned off and removed. I checked for ground and everything seems to be in place. There was an odor coming from the car but it did not smell of wiring. I then noticed the battery was melted a little on the front side and hot to the touch. Could this be from the starter staying engaged? I went out this morning and the car started right up with no unusual sounds. It did the noise once before when I turned the steering hard to the right. Thanks MBD
  2. My wife's 99 gs300 would not turn off once she had started it. She cranked it and it started making a loud clanking noise so she turned it off. The noise did not be gin until she was turning to pull out of the driveway. The car continued to run though she had turned the car off. It sounded as if the starter was still engaged? It ran for about 5 mins and finally shut off; the key was turned off and removed. I checked for ground and everything seems to be in place. There was an odor coming from the car but it did not smell of wiring. I then noticed the battery was melted a little on the front side and hot to the touch. Could this be from the starter staying engaged? I went out this morning and the car started right up with no unusual sounds. It did the noise once before when I turned the steering hard to the right. Thanks
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