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  1. I had an 84 Saab 900 that had 296,000 miles on it when it was totaled by a baseball-sized hailstorm. I LIKE to take care of old cars (obviously) so after much searching, I bought a 96 LS400 with 117,000 miles on it. It is in perfect order and I would like to keep it that way for many years. The service records are nearly complete. That famous 90,000 mile check had not been done until 114,000 miles but it was done at a dealership and even the water pump was replaced. So what do I need to know to keep my new toy running perfectly? Does everything have to be done at the dealership or are there ways to find a reasonable independent mechanic? Does synthetic oil extend the life of a 400? Are there problem areas I should look out for? I figure that if I could get a Saab to run nearly 300k, I should be able to run a Lexus forever. Am I wrong to believe this?
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