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Everything posted by workinprogress

  1. Hi everyone, I have a 2002 IS300. Just this week my CD player decided to stop working. No error code, just the disc number displayed on the small screen and nothing else. I have both burned CDs and store bought CDs in the player. I took them all out, put them back in and nothing. I called my local Lexus dealer (Jacksonville, FL) and the representative told that she has been receiving calls from people having the same problem with their IS300. She says that the burned CDs are causing the system to act haywire. She gave me no solution to the problem and instead wanted me to bring the car in to get looked at. My car is out of warranty so any repair/service they do I know is going to cost me an arm and a leg. Has anyone else encountered this problem? If so, any solutions I can do myself or at a lower cost? Thanks to all who respond. Lee
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