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Everything posted by jyu911

  1. I recently took my new RX330 to a detail shop to get paint sealant and ClearShield installed (to prevent rock chips). They scratched my bumper at several places. The scratches aren't noticeable from far away, but are noticeable close-up and are deep enough to affect the paint and cause grooves that one can feel. Questions on the remedy (from the detail shop): 1) I'd like to get it repainted since it really bothers me that I spent good money to prevent scratches but got them in the process. But is getting it painted worth the hassle? Also, I've had bad experiences on other cars with repainted bumpers that aren't as good as the original. Any suggestions? 2) Their other solution of offering partial refund + future detail jobs isn't appealing since I can't trust their workmanship anymore. Are there any other suitable compensation people can think of? Many thanks. J
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